Lesson 3 Digital Forensics and Incident Response

Introduction to Digital Forensics (DF) and Incident Response (IR)

Cyber Kill Chain

Lesson 3 Digital Forensics and Incident Response

Phase 3: Delivery

DFIR Processes

Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs)

Forensic collection

Lesson 3 Digital Forensics and Incident Response

Notification and reporting

The Digital Forensics Process

Lesson 3 Digital Forensics and Incident Response


The Incident Response (IR) Process

Digital Forensics and Incident Response Challenges

Lesson 3 Digital Forensics and Incident Response

Table 2.6: Main challenges of Digital Forensics and Incident Response

Digital Forensics and Incident Response Best Practices

Lesson 3 Digital Forensics and Incident Response

Zero-Trust Security

Table 2.7: Main principles for implementing a zero-trust security model

Lesson 3 Digital Forensics and Incident Response

Analyzing the Web Activity of a Device

Getting Started with DB Browser

Lesson 3 Digital Forensics and Incident Response

Figure 2.23: To view a table

Lesson 3 Digital Forensics and Incident Response

The Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) table

Lesson 3 Digital Forensics and Incident Response

Reading a Timestamp

Lesson 3 Digital Forensics and Incident Response

The Keyword_search_terms Table

The Downloads Table

Lesson 3 Digital Forensics and Incident Response

The Logins Table

Lesson 3 Digital Forensics and Incident Response

Read the sentences and tick True or False.

Outline the sources of evidence that must be identified when conducting a digital forensics investigation?

Analyze the role of Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs) in protecting machine networks.

Lesson 3 Digital Forensics and Incident Response

Describe the steps of a typical DFIR process.

Describe the main challenges associated with Digital Forensics and Incident Response.

In a web browser with large quantities of activity data, analyze the results from the urls table and try to deduct if there are specific patterns the user follows in their web browsing activi

For the same data as the previous exercises, evaluate the data from the logins table and list the sites where the user has entered their credentials. After that, categorize them as secure and