Writing - Super goal 3 - ثالث متوسط

كتاب النشاط
كتاب النشاط
Choose a famous person and research the events and accomplishments in his/her life. Write a biography of the person. Present the biography to the class.
(1) 5 التقييم 247 التعليقات المشاركة

Look at the timeline of events in Prince Sultan bin Salman’s life. Then, complete the summary with prepositions and time words.

شرح Look at the timeline of events in Prince Sultan bin Salman’s life. Then, complete the summary with prepositions and time words. حل Look at the timeline of events in Prince Sultan bin Salman’s life. Then, complete the summary with prepositions and time words.

Make a timeline about your life. Mark the important events in your life and your accomplishments on the timeline.

شرح Make a timeline about your life. Mark the important events in your life and your accomplishments on the timeline.

Write your life story. Say where you were born, raised, and educated. Include important events, accomplishments, and influences in your life.

شرح Write your life story. Say where you were born, raised, and educated. Include important events, accomplishments, and influences in your life.

Choose a famous person and research the events and accomplishments in his/her life. Write a biography of the person. Present the biography to the class.

شرح Choose a famous person and research the events and accomplishments in his/her life. Write a biography of the person. Present the biography to the class. حل Choose a famous person and research the events and accomplishments in his/her life. Write a biography of the person. Present the biography to the class.
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