Marketing Campaign Planning
Chapter 7 Personal Selling and Sales Promotion
7.2 Sales-promotion Methods
Sales promotion Methods - Marketing Campaign Planning - ثالث ثانوي
Chapter 1 Introduction to Marketing
Chapter 2 Consumer Behavior
Chapter 3 Marketing Strategies
Chapter 4 Products and Services
Chapter 5 Planning for a Marketing Campaign
Chapter 6 Advertising and Public Relations
Chapter 7 Personal Selling and Sales Promotion

Sales-promotion Methods
MARKETING MATTERS Any activity or material that gives consumers a direct incentive to buy is a form of sales promotion
What materials or activities designed to promote sales have you seen at your local stores

The Nature of Sales Promotion
In what ways can sales promotion be combined with personal selling to maximize the effectiveness of marketing activities?

The Uses and Benefits of Sales Promotion
Selecting a Sales-promotion Method
Trends in the Use of Sales Promotion

Heightened concerns about value have made customers more responsive to promotional offers, especially price discounts and point-of-purchase displays
What activities do marketers often combine with sales promotion to sell a particular product or service
Which promotional activities does sales promotion not include
How can sales promotion help to increase sales
What are three reasons why the use of sales promotion has increased significantly in recent years
Consumer-sales-promotion Methods

The Uses of Coupons

Would coupons motivate you to buy products that you otherwise would not have considered purchasing?
The Benefits of Coupons

The Disadvantages of Coupons
Money Refunds and Rebates Money Refunds

Disadvantages of Money Refunds and Rebates
Shopper Loyalty and Frequent-user Incentives

loyalty purchases of brands where the brand performs strongly.
Why do you think the use of frequent-flier programs by airlines is such a successful example of a frequent-user incentive?

MARKETING SCENARIO The Introduction ofa Loyalty Card Scheme at a Saudi Supermarket Chain
How are the number of points that customers earn calculated? How are they informed about the number of points they have
What do customers receive in return for taking part in the scheme
What do customers have to do to take part in the scheme
Why did the supermarket chain decide to introduce this loyalty card scheme

What aspects of demonstrations help to get your attention as a consumer
Point-of-purchase Materials and Demonstrations Point-of-purchase Materials

Free Samples and Premiums

How effective do you think free food samples are in motivating consumers to buy the food product they sample?

Premiums are used to attract competitors' customers, introduce different sizes of established products, add variety to other promotional efforts, and stimulate consumer loyalty
Name one digital example and one physical example of a premium
Why is the offering of free samples a successful sales-promotion method
Why are demonstrations rarely used as a sales-promotion method
How do frequent-flier programs usually work
How is a money refund different to a rebate
What are the advantages of using coupons for manufacturers or retailers

What criteria do you think marketers use when they are deciding which sales-promotion method to use for a particular product or service at a specific time
Can sales-promotion methods stimulate short-term sales, long-term sales, or both? Explain your answer
In what two situations is sales promotion a common tactic
Make Academic Connections Math
Connect to the Real World You have recently open a store that sells a range of dry fruits