Marketing Campaign Planning
Chapter 7 Personal Selling and Sales Promotion
7.1 The Nature of Personal Selling
The Nature of Personal Selling - Marketing Campaign Planning - ثالث ثانوي
Chapter 1 Introduction to Marketing
Chapter 2 Consumer Behavior
Chapter 3 Marketing Strategies
Chapter 4 Products and Services
Chapter 5 Planning for a Marketing Campaign
Chapter 6 Advertising and Public Relations
Chapter 7 Personal Selling and Sales Promotion

Retailers frequently hold sales to attract consumers into their stores and this is a form of sales promotion
Personal Selling and Sales Promotion

What help and advice do sales staff usually offer the people who come into their stores
CHAPTER LESSONS The Nature of Personal Selling
CHAPTER LESSONS The Nature of Personal Selling

The Nature of Personal Selling
MARKETING MATTERS Salespeople function as knowledgeable experts about their company's products or services
Why do you think the direct selling of products to consumers by salespeople is so important to the products' manufacturers

The Purposes of Personal Selling
Why is personal selling particularly effective in furniture or home decor stores?

Personal selling is the most precise of all promotion methods as it enables marketers to focus on the most promising sales prospects
The Goals of Personal Selling

Changes in Personal Selling
They must also be aware of their competitors' activities, specifically

What do you think the role of a "customer success manager" would be
Customer Satisfaction

In what ways has personal selling changed recently? What are the reasons for these changes
Give an example of a situation where personal selling occurs
What do salespeople need to know about their com- petitorst products and services? Why is it important that they have knowledge of this
What is the relationship between effective personal selling and customer satisfaction
puts customers first, and this has a positive impact on the organ- ization's performance

The Steps in the Process of Personal Selling

Why do you think trade fairs provide such good opportunities for prospecting



How can salespeople appear to be confident and professional while they are giving sales presentations
questions (who, when, where) to clarify what the prospect's needs are

Making the Presentation

Overcoming Objections
Closing the Sale

What do salespeople usually do during the follow-up phase of the personal-selling process
Why might salespeople use a trial close before they actually close the sale
Why would it be useful for a salesperson to address possible objections from customers
What do salespeople need to make sure that they do while they are giving a presentation to a potential customer and why would it be problematic
What do salespeople do during the pre-approach stage of the personal-selling process
In the context of sales, what is a prospect
Following Up

What benefits could working in a team bring the salespeople involved
Team Selling and Relationship Selling Team Selling

Relationship Selling

What have been the results of this change in strategy
What change did the company make in the way it sells its products? Why
Where did the company sell its new line of products at the beginning
MARKETING SCENARIO Using a Digital Strategy to Make Selling More Personal

What does "recovery behavior" involve in the context of relationship selling and why is it importantجديد 78
Why do companies spend a lot more time on retaining existing customers than on gaining new ones
Why might it be difficult for some highly competitive salespeople to feel comfortable in team selling situations
What types of products is team selling particularly useful for
Relationships with customers are also built on the ability to recover from the setback that can occur when customers are concerned about an aspect or aspects of the product or service.

What are the seven steps in the process of personal selling
Connect to the Real World You are a consultant who has recently been hired by an electronic goods retailer to advise new salespeople on how to identify viable prospects in their stores
Make Academic Connections Public speaking
What is relationship selling
What is team selling
What is the main purpose of personal selling