Section Business Plan Template - Introduction To Business - ثاني ثانوي
Chapter1: Exploring the World of Business and Economics
Chapter2: Business Organization
Chapter3: Business in the Global Economy
Chapter4: Human Resources, Culture, and Diversity
Chapter5: Social Responsibility of Business
Chapter6: Management and Leadership
Chapter 7: Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
Chapter 8: Starting a Small Business
Chapter 9: Business and Technology
P RO J EC T Preparing a business plan
Section 3 Business Plan Template Link to digital lesson Look at the questions and complete the boxes with your answers to the questions in Steps 1 to 13. This is a business plan template for you to use and apply to your business and the steps will guide you through the process. Step 1: Cover page 1 What image do you want to project on the first page? 2 What is the most important information on the page? 3 How will investors find you? 4 Do you have a logo/slogan ready? 5 What is the name of your business? 6 What does your choice of business name say about your business? Is it unique and memorable? Is it easy to pronounce? Cover page 306 Project Preparing aBusiness Plan وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 | GE44.PATHWAYS.G02.ITB.SB.PP1.indb 306 08/05/2024 09:15

Step 1: Cover page
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Cover page
ليم Step 2: Table of contents 1 How can styles be used to allow the reader to find information quickly? 2 How will you name each section to ensure clarity for the reader? 3 How are subheadings used? Table of contents - 308 Project | Preparing a Business Plan Ministry of Education 2024-1446

Step 2: Table of contents
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Table of contents
Step 3: Executive summary 1 2 Does the summary highlight positive outcomes for the reader? Does the first paragraph contain information to interest the reader? 3 Is the information presented in a clear and logical manner? Executive summary 310 Project | Preparing a Business Plan Ministry of Education 2024-1446

Step 3: Executive summary
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Executive summary
Step 4: Company description 1 Does the description highlight all the positive aspects of the company? 2 Does the company description sound realistic? 3 Does the company description highlight growth opportunities? 4 Are any claims justified or based on research evidence? Company description ليم 312 Project Preparing a Business Plan Ministry of Education 2024-1446 |

Step 4: Company description
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Company description
Step 5: Industry and competitive analysis 1 What is the total market value or size? 2 What is the growth potential? 3 Who is the market leader and what is their market share? 4 Who are your most important competitors, and how big is their market share? 5 How is your offering different to that of your competitors? 6 Can you identify weaknesses in the competition? How can you make use of these? 7 What are the strengths of your business? 8 Does your business have any weaknesses? 9 What are the opportunities that could give your business an advantage? 10 What are the threats that could harm your business? Scan the QR code to see a template which you can use to analyze competitors. Industry and competitive analysis ليم 314 Project | Preparing a Business Plan Ministry of Education 2024-1446

Step 5: Industry and competitive analysis
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Industry and competitive analysis
Step 6: Target customer analysis 1 Define your target customer in detail. Who will your customers be? 2 Are they male and/or female? Where do they live? 3 What is their income and educational background? 4 What do they like and dislike? 5 What market research have you completed and/or planned? 6 What are the current and projected sales volumes for the target customer segment? 7 Why will customers choose your product or service instead of competitor products or services? Target customer analysis ليم 316 Project | Preparing a Business Plan Ministry of Education 2024-1446

Step 6: Target customer analysis
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Target customer analysis
Step 7: Product/service plan 1 What are the specific details of your product or service? 2 Will your product or service be immediately available and how can you develop your range of products or services in the future? 3 What does your product or service provide that other businesses do not? 4 Why will customers want to choose your service over existing competitors? Product/service plan 318 Project | Preparing a Business Plan Ministry of Education 2024-1446

Step 7: Product/service plan
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Product/service plan
Step 8: Marketing plan 1 What is the unique selling point of your product or service, who needs it and why? 2 How will you position your product or service is it a luxury, a necessity or something else? 3 What pricing strategy will you use? What factors must you consider when setting a price? 4 Why will this pricing strategy be effective? Will discounting be required? 5 Where will the product be available? What distribution channels are going to be most effective for your target customer group? 6 What is your marketing budget? 7 What methods of promotion will you use? 8 What will make your marketing campaign stand out and be memorable? 9 How will you market your business online? 10 What kind of online marketing tools will you adopt? Marketing plan P320 Project | Preparing a Business Plan Ministry of Education 2024-1446

Step 8: Marketing plan
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Marketing plan
Step 9: Operational plan 1 Where will you base operations base? your operations? What effect will growth have on your current 2 Will in-house production be used to maintain control of operations, or will outsourcing be used to minimize costs? 3 How will you ensure that the operations which are crucial to your competitive advantage are kept safe from competition? 4 How will quality be controlled? What impact will this have on the growth of the business? Operations and development plan P322 Project | Preparing a Business Plan Ministry of Education 2024-1446

Step 9: Operational plan
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Operations and development plan
Step 10: Management team 1 What does the hierarchy of the organisation look like? 2 What experience does your management team need to ensure the success of operations? 3 How will the different functional areas communicate with each other? 4 How will you attract experienced managers to work in your company? Scan the QR code for a suggested organizational chart template. Management team ليم 324 Project | Preparing a Business Plan Ministry of Education 2024-1446

Step 10: Management team
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Management team section
Step 11: Critical risks 1 What are the most likely causes of business failure? 2 For each cause, how will the risk be minimized and/or overcome? 3 If the critical risk is realized, what is the likely cost to the business and the investor? Critical risks P326 Project | Preparing a Business Plan Ministry of Education 2024-1446

Step 11: Critical risks
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Critical risks section
Step 12: Financial plan 1 How much will your "startup cost" be to get your business going? 2 What materials and equipment will you need to buy before you can get started? 3 How much will the materials and equipment cost? 4 What financial resources of your own will you be investing? 5 How much investment or capital will be required over the next five years? 6 What is the predicted short-term monthly cash flow forecast? 7 How do you expect your cash flow to develop in the medium term? 8 How much cash will be left in reserve each month? 9 What funding sources are available to you? 10 Do you have an agreed credit limit and/or loan agreement with your bank? 11 If so, what are the predicted or actual loan redemption and interest payments? 12 What alternative options do you have to the financing concept you have drawn up? Scan the QR code to access a financial template to help you plan the next five years. Financial plan and offering P328 Project | Preparing a Business Plan Ministry of Education 2024-1446

Step 12: Financial plan
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Financial plan and offering
Step 13: Appendix of supporting documents 1 What documents will investors want to see? 2 What evidence will each supporting document provide? 3 Are the supporting documents clearly linked to the steps above? 4 How will this help the investor to make an informed decision? Make sure you now read through your answers to the above steps and check that your notes are coherent. You are now ready to create your final business plan. You could use a business plan template in Word as a starting point and add all the information about your new business. Appendix of supporting documents ليم 330 Project | Preparing a Business Plan Ministry of Education 2024-1446

Step 13: Appendix of supporting documents
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Appendix of supporting documents