Part - Introduction To Business - ثاني ثانوي
Chapter1: Exploring the World of Business and Economics
Chapter2: Business Organization
Chapter3: Business in the Global Economy
Chapter4: Human Resources, Culture, and Diversity
Chapter5: Social Responsibility of Business
Chapter6: Management and Leadership
Chapter 7: Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
Chapter 8: Starting a Small Business
Chapter 9: Business and Technology
P RO J EC T Preparing a business plan
Life-Span Life-Span Plan Project: Plan Part 1 Learning Outcomes Once you have completed this lesson, you should be able to: Explain how personal goals impact a life-span plan. Name six areas of your life that should be part of your life-span plan. Identify three life-span goals that can be used as the foundation for your own life-span plan. Key Terms Personal Goals Life Span Life-Span Goals Life-Span Plan Focus on REAL LIFE "What are you doing? It looks like homework," Fatimah asked her older sister. Nura looked up and smiled, "I'm planning my life. See, this is my life-span plan." "How can you be planning your life? You haven't even finished high school. You are planning to finish high school, aren't you?" "Of course, but now's the time to think about what I want to do in the future-get a job, maybe own my own business, travel. I need to set some goals and figure out how I'm going to achieve them." Fatimah sat down and said, "I'm only two years behind you. I should probably be thinking about my future, too. Maybe you should tell me more about your life-span plan." LIFE-SPAN PLANNING The Life-Span Plan Project will help you see how you can start planning for the rest of your life. The project consists of this six-page introduction, activities that appear throughout this course, and creating your own life-span plan. Completing the project will help you develop skills you can use to make better decisions throughout your life. Your Personal Goals Personal goals are the things that people want most to achieve in their lives. They are the things that hold the greatest value to them. Most people have set a wide range of goals for themselves. Some are short-term goals that they hope to achieve within a year. Others are long- term goals that will take many years to attain. Individuals' goals are likely to involve family, P16 | Life-Span Plan Project Ministry of Education Goals! Besides graduating from high school, what is another one of your short-term goals? 2024-1446

Key Terms Personal Goals
Once you have completed this lesson, you should be able to:
What are you doing? It looks like homework,” Fatimah asked her older sister
Your Personal Goals
Besides graduating from high school, what is another one of your short-term goals
Although you might want to own a house in the future, what is your most important goal today? living conditions, education, careers, community, and many other aspects of their lives. The goals you set for yourself are based on your personal values, your hopes, and your aspirations. Although many people share common goals, most people also have unique goals that set them apart from others. There is no way to judge most goals as right or wrong, or better or worse. Your most important goal may be to study law and become a judge while your best friend might want to own a farm and grow vegetables. Your brother may want to start a family at a young age while you prefer to concentrate on your education and career first. As long as a person's goals are based on what she or he really wants from life, there is no reason for them to be the same as other people's goals. Some of the important goals you could set for yourself involve topics you will learn about while studying this course. Suppose, for example, your most important personal goal is to have a happy and secure family life. You might think that this goal has little to do with what you will learn about business during this course. But, if what you learn about business helps you make a better career choice, then you may be able to earn a greater income and be more satisfied with your life. This will also allow you to provide a better standard of living for a family. The same is true for almost any other personal goal you might set. A Life-Span Plan As you grow older you should expect the things you want most in your life to change. Today you might believe that owning a nice car is your most important goal. In 10 years you may be more concerned with having a rewarding career, buying a home, or saving for your children's education. Even later you will want to have a satisfying retirement. Important events in your life, such as preparing for a career, raising a family, or enjoying retirement, are parts of your life cycle. Your life span is the time from your birth to your death. It includes the events that make up your life cycle. When you are young, you will set long-term goals that you want to achieve over a period of years during your life Think of your span. life span as a straight line that contains the events of your life cycle. The life-span timeline on the following page can help you understand the relationship between a life span and events in a person's life cycle. It shows a life span as a straight line along the top of the figure. Examples of events in the life cycle appear beneath the time in a person's life when they might happen. If you construct a figure like this for yourself, it is likely to have different events taking place at different times because your life will not be exactly the same as anyone else's. Life-span goals are long-term goals that you want most to reach during your life. They shape many of the most important decisions you will make. Examples of life- span goals include earning a college degree, owning a business, raising a family, or achieving financial security. For most people, وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 Life-Span Plan Project | 17

A Life-Span Plan
Birth Life-Span Timeline Death Infant Child Teen Young Mature Older Adult Adult Adult Elderly School Job Career Parenting minor children Home ownership Retirement Caring for parents Community service Travel and leisure Examples of Events in a Person's Life Cycle FIGURE 1 Where are you in on the life-span timeline? life-span goals don't just happen. Successful people create long-term plans for how they can achieve their life-span goals. These plans are called life-span plans. CHECKPOINT How do personal goals impact your career choice? A LIFE-SPAN PLAN FOR NURA To help you prepare your own life-span plan, consider the example of Nura. She is sixteen years old and a high school student. Like most people her age, she is busy with school and family/social activities. However, she does think about her future including going to college, getting a job, and getting married. She hopes to have a career, a family, and a comfortable home. Nura's favorite subject in school is art. She has signed up for every art class that she could P18 Life-span Plan Project | Ministry of Education 2024-1446 fit into her schedule. Nura wants a career in the art world, but not as an artist. She likes the idea of working in an art museum or gallery, but she also thinks of herself as an entrepreneur. Nura dreams of owning a gallery where she will showcase and sell the works of local artists. In addition to continuing to develop her skills as an artist, Nura knows that she will need to learn how to run a business. She also knows she needs to set short- and long-term goals. She needs a plan—a life-span plan. First Things First To begin her life-span plan, Nura looked at six areas of her life: education, career, family, finances, community, and retirement. She then identified six central goals that she most wants to achieve over the next 50 years. These goals fit in well with her values, interests, and personality.

Where are you in on the life-span timeline
life-span plans
How do personal goals impact ✓ your career choice
First Things First
In addition to continuing to develop her skills as an artist
وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 1. Gain training and education needed to work in retail art gallery management. 2. Own and operate a successful retail art gallery. 3. Get married, have children, and own a house and a car. 4. Become financially secure. 5. Be active in the local community. 6. Be able to retire and take up other interests by the age of 60. Nura realizes that achieving these life-span goals will involve careful planning and many trade-offs. Almost all life-span goals people set require money. To pay for her education, a business of her own, a home, and a secure retirement, she will need to save and invest part of the income she receives during her working life. At times, she may need to bor- row funds from others. She will need to con- struct and follow a budget that allows her to do this. At the present, Nura may decide to limit the amount she spends on clothing and entertainment so she can save more now to pay for college and career-driven goals later. Nura will also need to identify related short-term goals that can help her achieve her more-important life-span goals in the future. Related Goals Nura's central life-span goals are related to each other. Saving and investing to achieve financial security, for example, will help her pay for training and later to start a business. If her business is successful, she will be able to afford the house she wants to own. Financial security will also allow Nura to enjoy a few luxuries. For example, Nura would like to visit the U.K. to see the art museums in London. If her business is a success, she will be able to take this trip. Nura wants to achieve many short- and long-term goals that are not central goals in her life. These include buying CCE How does Nura's interest in art relate to her life-span plan? ART GCF Life-Span Plan Project | 19

Related Goals
more-important life-span goals
Gain training and education needed to work in retail art gallery management
How does Nura’s interest in art relate to her life-span plan
TIME Next 2 years 5 years from now 10 years from now cars and furniture. Although these goals are important, they aren't among the things Nura cares most about in life, and so they are not listed in her life-span plan. In preparing her life-span plan, Nura listed and evaluated her goals to decide which ones were the most important. The most important goals are part of her life-span plan. Organizing Goals Nura organized her life-span goals in a table as shown below. Across the top she placed six categories to represent her six central life-span goals. On the left side she placed periods of time. These started with the next 2 years at the top and went 50 years into the future at the bottom. She then placed her goals according to when she would like to achieve them and how they contribute to her central life-span goals. In this way, she created a life-span plan that she believes will help her accomplish what she wants most in life. NURA'S LIFE-SPAN PLAN EDUCATION CAREER Complete high school. Apply to college. Find a part- time job in an art gallery or FAMILY Help parents with younger children. Graduate from college. Take classes in small business management. museum. Work full time in an art gallery or museum. Accept a managerial position at an art gallery. 20 years Travel to the from U.K. to see artists' work. Buy or start an art gallery. now 35 years from Mentor young artists. now Build a successful business and look for a person to help run it. Help parents with younger children. Get married and buy a small home. Have one child. Buy a larger house. Have another child. FINANCES Save SAR 4,000 each year to help pay for college/career in the future. Save and invest income to buy a home. Save and invest to buy an art gallery. COMMUNITY Be an active member of my community. Teach art at the community center. Continue teaching art classes. Start a fund for children's education. Continue teaching art classes. RETIREMENT No action is required at this time. Open a retirement account. Continue saving in retirement account. Continue saving in retirement account. Continue saving in retirement account. Buy a vacation home at the beach. Increase saving and investments now that children have married and moved out. 50 years from Learn a new language. Sell business. Buy a retirement home in a Manage now investments carefully. cooler climate. Investigate volunteer work I might enjoy. Volunteer to advise people who have small businesses. Take at least one long trip each year and visit grandchildren. ليم FIGURE 2 How old will Nura be when she plans to get married? P20 | Life-Span Plan Project Ministry of Education 2024-1446

Organizing Goals
How old will Nura be when she plans to get married
وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 Nura feels a sense of satisfaction with her plan. She knows that she will almost surely revise it in the future, but she has a foundation on which to build. She can use her plan to help make decisions now. When she makes her class schedule for next year she will sign up for accounting, business management, and more art classes. She knows what type of work to look for and how to spend and save her income. Because she has definite goals, she is better able to make good spending decisions. Having goals makes it easier not to spend money for things she doesn't really need. Nura's life-span plan is right for her. It fits her values, personality, and family. Her plan, however, would not be right for most students, including you. You aren't Nura. You have other abilities and interests. Her personality is not your personality. Her family is not your family. You need to make your own life-span plan. CHECKPOINT What are the six areas of life that you should consider as you develop a life-span plan? YOUR OWN LIFE-SPAN PLAN Near the end of this class you will be asked to prepare a life-span plan for yourself. To do this, you should reflect on what you've learned throughout this course. You will study a variety of topics and finish many activities that you can use to help you complete this assignment. Look for the Life- Span Plan icon in the chapters. You will also want to consider things about yourself that were not directly covered in this course. The size of family you want to have is important, but will not be discussed in this course. The same is true of where you want to live and the role you wish to play in your community. Preparing your life- span plan will require you to consider all of your values and goals, not just those that are related to businesses and your career choice. After accumulate as many useful you resources as you can, use these materials as references while you write a list of your goals. Base your goals on what you want from life for yourself, your family, and your community. Sort them according to whether they are short- or long-term goals, and then classify them into overall life-span goals. Place your goals on a grid similar to Nura's to construct your life-span plan. When you have finished your life- span plan, it would be helpful to ask an experienced person to review your plan with you. A teacher, guidance counselor, or other adult you respect would be a good choice. Discuss choices and the feasibility of your plan. This person can offer advice and encouragement for achieving your goals. your Making a life-span plan is an important first step. But, it is only a first step. Putting your life-span plan into action can make the difference between just thinking about your future and actually achieving the life-span goals that are most important to you. If you fail to act on your life-span plan, it will only be a piece of paper. CHECKPOINT What three life-span goals can be used as the foundation for your own life-span plan? Life-Span Plan Project | 21

What are the six areas of life that you should consider as you develop a life-span plan
You need to make your own life-span plan
Place your goals on a grid similar to Nura’s to construct your life-span plan
What three life-span goals can be used as the foundation for your own life-span plan