Words in Action - we can 2-2 - ثاني ابتدائي
Unit1: Beautiful Nature
Unit2: Friends, Actions, Things
Unit 3: Wild Animals
Unit 4: From Here to There
نشاط Unit1: Beautiful Natue
نشاط Unit2: Friends, Actions, Things
نشاط Unit3: Wild Animals
نشاط Unit4: Form Here There
CD117 Words in Action Point and chant. Write. Lemons are sour Apples are sweet! Lemons are sour, Cherries are sweet! They're not sour. My soup is hot! Ice-cream is cold, Rice is hot, It's not cold. Chips are salty, CHIPS And they're tasty! Let's eat! Change the words and chant. وزارة التعليم MONDOLE EME14 WC_02_TERM2 COMBO TEXT 2023.indb 14 20/3/23 4:29 PM

* Fun Time! The 3 Questions Game Ask and answer. CD 18 Is it cold or hot? What color is it? Is it sweet or sour? I know! It's a lemon! No, thanks. I don't like lemons. I like oranges. It's cold. It's a fruit. It's yellow. It's sour. That's right! Do you want one? Play with a friend. Ask 3 questions. Use some of the words in the box. وزارت التعليم METALLE Mino 20. TW sweet sour salty tasty hot cold fresh round small big I Can ... . talk about food using the words "hot, cold, sour, sweet, salty, tasty" sk questions with "or", "want", and say what I like and what I don't like. WC_02_TERM2 COMBO TEXT 2023.indb 15 15 Unit 2 20/3/23 4:29 PM