Phonics - we can 2-2 - ثاني ابتدائي
Unit1: Beautiful Nature
Unit2: Friends, Actions, Things
Unit 3: Wild Animals
Unit 4: From Here to There
نشاط Unit1: Beautiful Natue
نشاط Unit2: Friends, Actions, Things
نشاط Unit3: Wild Animals
نشاط Unit4: Form Here There
Goal 31 cod 08 Beautiful Nature: Phonics I can tell if the words start with c or g. I listened to CD4 08 o Nome days this week. Class Listen and practice. Listen and circle c or g. 1. 2. 3. c or g c or g c or g 4. 5. 6. c or g c or g c or g 3 Write the missing letters c or g. Trace and copy. 1. at 2. Irl 3. ap 4. oat 5. arilla 6. ake وزارة التعليم MIHALDE CHORE 201 WC_02_TERM2 COMBO TEXT 2023.indb 57 57 203/23 4:29 PM

Goal 32 CD40 Beautiful Nature: Phonics I can say two words that begin with c and two words that begin with g. I listened to CD4 09 Name days this week. Class 回回 1 Listen, point, and practice. Trace. 1. 3. 5. 2. 4. cat / cake gorilla goat cake/cap cat/cap girl/goat 2 Make the sounds. ccccggggcccgggccggcg وزارة التعليم MT58 AUTI WC_02_TERM2 COMBO TEXT 2028.indb 58 20/3/23 4:29 PM