Rhythms and Sounds - we can 2-2 - ثاني ابتدائي
Unit1: Beautiful Nature
Unit2: Friends, Actions, Things
Unit 3: Wild Animals
Unit 4: From Here to There
نشاط Unit1: Beautiful Natue
نشاط Unit2: Friends, Actions, Things
نشاط Unit3: Wild Animals
نشاط Unit4: Form Here There
وزارة التعليم MALALTH 20144 Goal 51 cps From Here to There: Rhythms and Listening I can chant the When You See a Red Light chant. I listened to CD5 12 Name days this week. Class Listen and chant. Trace. When you see a red light, red light, red light. When you see a red light, stap, stop, stop. When you see a yellow light, yellow light, yellow light. When you see a yellow light, wait, wait, wait. When you see a green light, green light, green light. When you see a green light, go, go, go. Color. green yellow red wait stop go 77 WC_02_TERM2 COMBO TEXT 2023.indb 77 20/3/23 4:30 PM

Goal 52 cos 13 From Here to There: Rhythms and Listening I can say if a traffic signal says "Stop!", "Wait!", or "Go!". I listened to CD5 13 Name days this week. Class 回家回 1 Listen, point, and practice. Trace and color. red yellow green 888 2 Trace and copy. Stopl Wait! Go! وزارة التعليم MIDT78 2014 WC_02_TERM2 COMBO TEXT 2023.indb 78 回收 20/3/23 14:30 PM