Greeting - التربية الفكرية - خامس ابتدائي

وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 Lesson Six Greeting: (Hello!, Goodbye!) Practice 1 Listen and point: Hello Oo Goodbye Oo رابط الدرس ۳۸۲

Lesson Six: Greeting: (Hello!, Goodbye!)

Listen and point Hello Goodbye

Practice 2 Talk to your teacher when you should say (Hello, Goodbye): Hello Hello Goodbye Goodbye Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Practice ③ Choose the right word (hello - goodbye): ۳۸۳ Ministry of Education 2024-1446

Lesson Six: Greeting: (Hello!, Goodbye!)

Choose the right word ( Hellow, good bye)

حل Choose the right word ( Hellow, good bye)

Talk to your teacher when you say Hellow, good bye

حل Talk  to your teacher  when you say Hellow, good bye

وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 Practice 4 Read: GOOD BYE HELLO ٣٨٤

Lesson Six: Greeting: (Hello!, Goodbye!)

Match ( Hellow, goodbye)

حل Match ( Hellow, goodbye)

Practice 5 Write the correct word: ٣٨٥ Ministry of Education 2024-1446

Lesson Six: Greeting: (Hello!, Goodbye!)

Write the correct word

حل Write the correct word