1: The Electrical Circuit

Electrical Engineering

Learning Objectives


1: The Electrical Circuit

The basics of Electricity




The volt is the unit of electric voltage

1: The Electrical Circuit

Electrical quantities table

The components of an electrical circuit

Power Source

Alternating Current (AC) and Direct Current (DC)

1: The Electrical Circuit



Resistance is denoted by the Greek letter omega in capitals: (ohm)

1: The Electrical Circuit

Instruments for Measuring Electrical Quantities

Electrical Circuit Components

1: The Electrical Circuit

What the Colors on a Resistor Mean

Not all resistors exert the same amount of resistance on the flow of electrons

1: The Electrical Circuit

Examples of resistor calculation using color codes

Resistor Connections in Electrical Circuits

Prefixes of Units of Measurement

1: The Electrical Circuit

Electrical Circuit Connections

Generally, DC sources are much safer than AC sources.

1: The Electrical Circuit

Ohm's Law

Series and Parallel Circuit Connections

1: The Electrical Circuit

Series Connections

The lower the resistance of a conductor

1: The Electrical Circuit

Parallel Connections


1: The Electrical Circuit

You can find the total resistance of the circuit between points A and B:

We can now consider an equivalent circuit:

1: The Electrical Circuit

In the equivalent circuit, we observe that R3,4,5 and R2 are connected in parallel.

So we consider the following equivalent circuit:

1: The Electrical Circuit

If we connect another identical resistor in series with the first resistor, then the intensity of the current:

When two resistors, R1 and R2 , with different resistances are connected in parallel:

1: The Electrical Circuit

Read the sentences and tick True or False: An ammeter measures voltage.

Match the items in the first column with those in the second.

1: The Electrical Circuit

Determine whether the two light bulbs X1 and X2 will emit the same amount of light? Justify your answer.

Draw the circuit diagram.

1: The Electrical Circuit

Calculate the following: The total resistance of the circuit.