1. Introduction to Engineering

. Engineering Fundamentals

Learning Objectives

Python programming prerequisite

1. Introduction to Engineering

The Fundamentals of Engineering


The history of Engineering

1. Introduction to Engineering

The Ancient Era

The Middle Ages - Islamic Golden Age

The Renaissance - Enlightment Era

1. Introduction to Engineering

He made a prototype for a helicopter,

The Industrial Era

The Modern Era

1. Introduction to Engineering

Biochemical Engineering

Environmental Engineering

Nuclear Engineering

Process Engineering

petrochemical plant in Saudi Arabia

1. Introduction to Engineering

Construction Engineering

Geotechnical Engineering

Geotechnical Engineering

Transportation Engineering

Metro construction in Riyadh

Architectural Engineering

1. Introduction to Engineering

Power Engineering

Electronics Engineering

Instrumentation Engineering

Telecommunications Engineering

Computer Engineering

Software Engineering

A telecommunications engineer

1. Introduction to Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Industrial Engineering

Manufacturing Engineering

Materials Engineering

Automotive Engineering

Aerospace Engineering

Acoustical Engineering

automotive engineers are working

Drone engineer

1. Introduction to Engineering

Engineering Career Opportunities

Research and Development





Quality Control

Electronics R&D workbench

1. Introduction to Engineering

Customer Service and Support

Marketing and Sales

Future Challenges

Future Challenges

1. Introduction to Engineering

Purpose of Engineering

Improving Quality of Life with Engineering

1. Introduction to Engineering

The Importance of Jobs Related to Computing

Computer Engineer versus Software Engineer

Computer engineer

Software engineer

1. Introduction to Engineering

Read the sentences and tick True or False.

1. Introduction to Engineering

Explain your understanding of the term "Engineering".

Describe and compare the fields of electrical engineering.

1. Introduction to Engineering

Create a table with the main challenges that engineers will face in the coming years.

What influence do you think the Islamic Golden Age had on the evolution of engineering? Search the Internet for information on the invention of horizontal plane windmills associated with this

From what you have learned, name three occupations that are in danger of disappearing in the next few years, and three professions that you think are more important than those.

1. Introduction to Engineering

Describe the role of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 in solving global challenges? How do you think Saudi engineers can help make things better for society?

Which future challenge do you think is most urgent and which engineering profession do you think can overcome it?