1: Electronic Circuit Design and Simulation

Circuit Simulation with Tinkercad Circuits

Learning Objectives

Tools > Autodesk Tinkercad Circuits

1: Electronic Circuit Design and Simulation

What Tinkercad Circuits is

1: Electronic Circuit Design and Simulation

You can access Tinkercad Circuits from

1: Electronic Circuit Design and Simulation

To create an electronic circuit:

1: Electronic Circuit Design and Simulation

This option lets us create a virtual circuit, program it, and test it in real time.

1: Electronic Circuit Design and Simulation

The Main Window of Tinkercad Circuits


Tinkercad Circuits has an automatic saving system. The system will update the save file every few minutes.

1: Electronic Circuit Design and Simulation

Core Components and Wiring

1: Electronic Circuit Design and Simulation

A breadboard is typically used to connect components.

1: Electronic Circuit Design and Simulation

The Breadboard

1: Electronic Circuit Design and Simulation

Closed Circuit with an LED

1: Electronic Circuit Design and Simulation

To add a power source to the circuit:

You can zoom in or out of a design by using the mouse

1: Electronic Circuit Design and Simulation

In electronic circuits, it is easier if the terminals are placed directly opposite the connectors.

1: Electronic Circuit Design and Simulation

The battery must supply voltage to the LED

1: Electronic Circuit Design and Simulation

Figure 4.12: Wire a component

1: Electronic Circuit Design and Simulation

When many wires jump from one location to another,

1: Electronic Circuit Design and Simulation

One of the advantages of using a breadboard

When a wire is selected,

1: Electronic Circuit Design and Simulation

The circuit is still open. To complete the circuit,

The type of a selected wire can be changed to normal,

1: Electronic Circuit Design and Simulation

Figure 4.14: Close a circuit

1: Electronic Circuit Design and Simulation

Nothing happens in the circuit editor until the simulation is executed.

1: Electronic Circuit Design and Simulation

Simulations allow us to experiment with circuit development. In this case,

You can activate the commands Start

1: Electronic Circuit Design and Simulation

Later, we will add a resistor in series to limit the current.

1: Electronic Circuit Design and Simulation

Figure 4.16: Edit and test a circuit

1: Electronic Circuit Design and Simulation

Read the sentences and tick True or False.

1: Electronic Circuit Design and Simulation

Briefly explain what prototyping is.

Which basic principle does the circuit describe?

1: Electronic Circuit Design and Simulation

What are the advantages of Tinkercad Circuits?

Search the Internet for applications similar to Tinkercad Circuits.

What limitations do you observe when using Tinkercad Circuits?