Do You Really Need It - Mega goal 3 - ثالث ثانوي
Term 1
Unit1: Two Is Better Than One
Unit2: influential people
Unit3: What Will They Think of Next
Unit4: The World of TV
Term 2
Unit5: Do You Really Need It
Unit6: The Gender Divide
unit7: Everyone Makes Mistakes
unit8: Against the Odds
Term 3
unit9: Beauty Is Only Skin Deep
unit10: They Said, We Said
unit11: Express Yourself
unit12: Lost and Found
نشاط unit1: Two Is Better Than One
نشاط unit2: Influential People
نشاط unit3: What Will They Think of Next
نشاط unit4: The World of TV
نشاط EXPANSION Units 1-4
نشاط unit5: Do You Really Need It
نشاط unit6: The Gender Divide
نشاط unit7: Everyone Makes Mistakes
نشاط unit8: Against the Odds
نشاط EXPANSION Units 5–8
نشاط unit9: Beauty Is Only Skin Deep
نشاط unit10: They Said, We Said
نشاط unit11: Express Yourself
نشاط unit12: Lost and Found
نشاط EXPANSION Units 9–12
5 Do You Really Need It? Term m2 A Complete the sentences with the words from the box. admire exclusive intended sophisticated brand formula revolutionary 1. Whenever I go shopping, I always end up buying Generation clothes. They are really stylish and they fit me great. You can get them at most department stores. 2. Many advertisements have athletes and famous TV personalities in them. Featuring these stars helps companies sell their products because so many people 3. That company has come up with some of the most them. electronic products of our time. Many other companies all sell the same thing, but they always have new and inventive products. 4. The airline is having an sale only for their best customers. I was hoping to get invited to use the discounts, but I didn't. 5. The Upper East Side of Manhattan is a very is rich and has high-class taste. place. It seems like everyone there 6. Commercials play on different channels and at different times of the day, depending on who they are for. For example, commercials that are aimed at adults will play at night after children are sleeping. 7. Some laundry detergents have a special that is designed to get stains out of clothes without ruining the material. They have many different ingredients in them. B Answer the questions. 1. Who is the most sophisticated person you know? Describe him/her. 2. What's your favorite brand of clothes? What's your favorite brand of shampoo? وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 3. Who do you admire most in life? Why? 4. Who are most cartoons intended for? 5. Who is a revolutionary thinker in the history of your country? 6. What is a formula? MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 269 Unit 5 269 30/4/24 3:08 AM

Reason Purpose Condition Place C Underline the adverb in each sentence. Then tick (✓) the kind of information that the 5 Do You Really Need It? adverb clause tells us. She's going to the mall so that she can get a new dress for the family dinner. 1. They used Roger Federer as their ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ spokesperson because he's famous. 2. Wherever we go, we are surrounded by advertising. 3. I bought the face cream since it will help my skin look better. 4. If you have a good advertisement, people will buy your product. 5. They are planning to sell the juice everywhere they can. 6. The company made a commercial in order. to sell their new product. 7. I'm going to buy it at the store unless I can get a better price online. 8. Now that the Internet exists, I never go to the mall. ☐ D Circle the correct adverb to complete each sentence. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ They aired radio advertisements (in case) / where) the newspaper ads weren't enough. 1. They sold out of the new chips (only if / because) they were on sale. 2. They put a coupon in the weekend newspaper (to / wherever) attract new customers. 3. (If Because) you want to go shopping, I'll go with you. 4. I decided to use conditioner (so that now that) my hair wouldn't be dry anymore. 5. I'm going to buy a new computer (only if / since) my old computer crashed last week. 6. Many people buy bottled water (even if / so) they can drink the water from their tap. 7. (Unless / Everywhere) you go, there are things for sale. 8. She only buys organic foods (now that even if) she has food allergies. P+270 Unit 5 Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 270 30/4/24 3:08 AM

E Finish the sentences about yourself. 1. I (sometimes / always/never) shop online for 2. 3. I (like don't like) shopping because 4. If I stay at the mall for a long time, 5. 6. Everywhere you look 7. My favorite place to shop is now that 8. I (listen don't listen) to commercials so that 5 Do You Really Need It? wherever I go. since I'm still young. F Write an advertisement for each of the products below. Use an adverb clause with one of the adverbs. from the box in each. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 because if since unless everywhere in order to so (that) wherever 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1 2 3 4 5 6 MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 271 Unit 5 271 30/4/24 3:08 AM

5 Do You Really Need It? G Correct the errors in the sentences. because She went to the department store so that they were having a sale. 1. Because of it was late we were tired. 2. I'm bringing an umbrella in case need it. 3. He put on his glasses unless he could see. 4. Where I live, it hot. 5. They are creating new ads order to sell their products in Asia. 6. Even if he will hurry, he will still be late. 7. We put the milk in the refrigerator now that it won't spoil. 8. Now that I a cell phone, I can call my friends anytime. H Complete the story with the words and phrases from the box. beat it blows broke maxed out Last weekend, Karen shopped all weekend long. She bought a new pair of black shoes, a pair of boots, two dresses, three sweaters, and a bottle of expensive perfume. After spending so much money, Karen was (1) She was going to buy a cool designer bag too, but when she went to the register to pay, her credit card didn't work. Her card was (2) She was so embarrassed! When she got home, she had to sneak into the house because her mother thinks she shops. too much. Karen says she's not wasting money, but her mother disagrees. She says Karen (3) money on things she doesn't need. In the morning, Karen got dressed for school. She wore her new dress, a new sweater, and new shoes. She went downstairs to eat breakfast. “Good morning. Is that a new dress?" her mother asked, pointing at the price tag. Karen had forgotten to take it off! She confessed that it was, and then her mother noticed that the whole outfit was new. She was really mad, so Karen (4) P+272 Unit 5 Ministry of Education 2024-1446 as fast as she could and ran out of the house. MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 272 30/4/24 3:08 AM

5 Do You Really Need It? ◉READING Read the article. Then answer the questions below. Global Marketing Mishaps Brand names and slogans are extremely compact communication tools. They represent a great deal of information, and evoke memories, feelings, and expectations, which in turn influence buyers' decisions. A brand name is the heart of any product, and a slogan creates a direct and perhaps unconscious association with a product. This is why companies have to be very careful about the brand names and slogans they choose for their products, and extra careful when these products are offered in the international market. A name for a product can be perfect in one language and catastrophic in another. There are many stories about advertising and marketing blunders involving words that just did not translate or had a different meaning. For example, General Motors had to rename its car, the Chevy Nova, in Spanish-speaking countries because Nova can be understood as no va which means “It doesn't go." No automobile company would ever want that! But English translation mistakes aren't limited to Spain and Latin America. When Pepsi translated their slogan "Come alive with the Pepsi generation" into Chinese, it was incorrectly translated as "Pepsi brings your ancestors back from the dead." And Kentucky Fried Chicken's slogan "Finger-Lickin' Good" was translated into Chinese as "Eat Your Fingers Off." These stories serve as cautionary tales for advertising students and/or professionals. It's always advisable to check what your slogan or brand name means and implies in the countries where the product will be sold, or you could end up making your brand a laughing stock. Answer true or false. 1. Brand names and slogans translate easily from one language to another. 2. Brand names and slogans can influence buyers' decisions. 3. Nova was a good name for a car in Spanish. 4. There have been blunders in advertising when translating English into Chinese as well as Spanish. 5. It pays to do research when translating advertising slogans from one language to another. Write definitions for these words and phrases from the text. 6. evoke: 7. catastrophic: 8. blunders: 9. cautionary tales: 10. a laughing stock: وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 273 Unit 5 273 30/4/24 3:08 AM

5 Do You Really Need It? J Use the words and phrases to fill in the blanks. Then answer the questions. window display bystanders hired mixed reviews fully equipped chopping revealed sliding were delivered launched stir oblivious A large furniture store (1) an unusual promotion for its products which would attract thousands of potential customers, or so they hoped. - The C&S - Comfort and Style – furniture store decided to advertise its products through an unusual (2) They (3). people to "live" in the store windows. A display that showed a living room set was used by a group of friends, university students who had met to watch a football game on television. They were sitting comfortably watching the game and having snacks. A couple of pizzas (4) halfway through the game. The group in the window were (5) to the crowd that had gathered outside. In another window, a (6) sparkling kitchen was being used by a caterer to prepare a meal for a reception. There was a chef and assistants working hard, (7) vegetables, stirring food that was cooking, and (8) freshly made rolls into the oven. Once again, the team of cooks seemed completely oblivious to the gawking crowd. It was later (9) that allowed (10) that the window panes had been replaced with one-way mirrors to look in, but prevented the people "living" in the window from looking out. They were fully aware of the fact that they were being watched but could forget about it and focus on their chosen tasks or pastime without any distractions. The "live window displays" received (11) but they certainly attracted very large crowds to the store. Whether the display proved to be effective in terms of sales has never been revealed. It is just possible that it caused a (12) without necessarily influencing people to buy. 1. What do you think of “living window displays”? Please give reasons. 2. Would you agree to participate in a "living window display"? Why? Why not? 3. Do you think that the idea attracted buying customers? Why? Why not? P+274 Unit 5 Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 274 30/4/24 3:08 AM

وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 1. 2. 3. O 5 Do You Really Need It? K Write as many words as you can about the picture. Write sentences about the picture using because, unless, since, or in order to. MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 275 Words about the picture 0.99 0.99 Unit 5 275 30/4/24 3:08 AM

P+276 Unit 5 Ministry of Education 2024-1440 MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 276 5 Do You Really Need It? O L WRITING Think of a food product that is popular in your country or region that is not popular in other parts of the world. It could be a local snack, fruit, vegetable, or national dish. Write an advertising brief for selling it in another region of the world. Include the target market, the type of image you want to create for the product, and suggestions for packaging. Then create a new name and a short, catchy slogan for the food. 1. Before you write, take notes in the chart below. Food New sales region Target market Image to create Packaging suggestions Name & slogan 2. Now use your notes from the chart to write your advertising brief. 30/4/24 3:08 AM

O 5 Do You Really Need It? M Complete the conditional sentences. Use the present and future forms of verbs. If I spend (spend) too much time thinking about the future, I (not have) enough time to do everything I want now. But if I won't have about the future, I won't have don't think (not have) a clue what to do next. (not think) P 1. If I (buy) a new laptop, I (be) happy. But if I (not get) one, I (need to) do the assignment on my dad's computer. 2. If it (rain) a lot this week, the team big game. If the weather (be) nice, the team (not be able to practice for the (practice) Fashio every afternoon. 3. If the temperature (drop) below zero, rain temperature (stay) above zero degrees, rain (change) to ice and snow. But if the (not freeze). 4. If Adel (decide) to go to King Saud University, he (be) happy there if he (move) to Riyadh next fall. He (make) friends quickly. 5. Newton figured out that if you (drop) an apple, it (fall) to the ground. If you (drop) a feather, it (float) down. 6. If Adnan (get) a bigger car, he off) to his friends too much, they probably (impress) his friends. But if he (not hang out) with him any more. (show N Circle the correct words. 1. Would you (prefer / rather) go shopping at the mall or ride your bicycle by the lake? 2. Would you rather (study / to study) math or read your favorite book in the park? 3. Would you (prefer / rather) going camping in the mountains or staying in a hotel at the beach? 4. Would you prefer (spend / to spend money on a vacation or to stay at home and buy something you need? O Write your own answers to the questions in N. Use I'd rather and I'd prefer. 1. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 2. 3. 4. MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 277 Unit 5 277 30/4/24 3:08 AM

Complete the conditional sentences. Use the present and future forms of verbs 1. If I ....(buy) a new laptop. I ...... (be) happy But if I ..... (not get) one I.... (need to) do the assignme

5 Do You Really Need It? P Put the words into the correct categories. Some words may go in more than one category. appealing atmosphere convenient convenient location discounts door-to-door delivery entertainment fast food courts friendly service helpful staff luxury neighborhood pay by card LEATHER BELTS ON SALE 50% OFF Shopping Mall wide range of products Words Connected with Shopping Habits Small Stores Online Shopping Q Complete the sentences with unless or when. 1. I never take any notice of commercials 2. 3. it's about something I may need. you have a good advertisement, people won't notice your product. he put his glasses on, he could read the small print. 4. The shops will be closed you hurry. you try it on. 6. I'm going to buy it at the store I can get a better price online. 5. The dress will look great R Complete the sentences with your own ideas. 1. Unless you are careful what you buy, 2. When I think of 3. றீ ÷ ம் ம் 4. 5. 6. 7. If we don't win 8. P+278 Unit 5 Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 278 everywhere you can think of. when you give up your seat. unless you know the right people. unless he is willing to work hard. when it's bad weather. 30/4/24 3:08 AM

Put the words into the correct categories. Some words may go in more than one category. Words Connected with Shopping Habits