Influential People - Mega goal 3 - ثالث ثانوي

كتاب النشاط

نشاط unit2: Influential People

كتاب النشاط

نشاط unit2: Influential People

Complete the sentences about yourself 1. I used to......
الانجليزيه شكل مختلف
(13) 3.2 التقييم 1 التعليقات المشاركة

2 Influential People A Match the words to their definitions. i charity a. very poor 1. 2. excelled founded b. well-known and respected c. not too expensive 3. 4. 5. impoverished d. did very well e. the opinion others have about someone philanthropist prominent f. having influence on something or someone 6. reasonable g. started and supported an organization. 7. reputation h. a person that gives a lot of money to good causes 8. influential i. an organization that helps those in need B Answer the questions. 1. What are the names of some famous philanthropists in your country? In your town? Are there any buildings or schools named after them? 2. Which football player in your country has an excellent reputation? 3. What's a store in your town that has reasonable prices? 4. What do you excel at? وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 5. What is the name of a charity that you support? 6. What's the name of a prominent author in your country? MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 231 Unit 2 231 30/4/24 3:08 AM

Influential People

Match the words with their definitions 1. excelled

شرح Match the words with their definitions 1. excelled حل Match the words with their definitions 1. excelled

What are the names of some famous philanthropists in your country? In your town Are there any buildings or schools named after them?

شرح What are the names of some famous philanthropists in your country? In your town Are there any buildings or schools named after them? حل What are the names of some famous philanthropists in your country? In your town Are there any buildings or schools named after them?

2 Influential People C Complete the conversation, using the correct form of used to, be used to, or would. Jenny: Did your father grow up around here? Emily: No. He used to live on the east side. Jenny: He did? That's a bad area! Emily: I know. It (1) be even worse! My father (2) have to walk home from school with a group of friends in order to stay safe. Jenny: Wow. That's terrible. Emily: Yeah. His family (3) be really poor, so he (4) it. Jenny: He's lucky that he was able to become a doctor and move out of there. Emily: I know. He (5) study a lot every day. He (6) read the dictionary at night to learn more vocabulary! Jenny: So I guess he (7) Emily: working hard. That's true. The long hours at the hospital don't bother him. When he first became a doctor, he (8) get any days off. He (9) offer to work extra hours on weekends and when other people took vacations. Jenny: I couldn't do it. I (10) D Complete the sentences about yourself. 1. I used to 2. I'm not used to 3. One hundred years ago, people would 4. My friend is used to 5. My country didn't use to 6. People in my city are used to 7. My first teacher would 8. The students at my school are used to 9. When I was a child, I wouldn't 10. My grandparents didn't use to P+232 Unit 2 Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 232 sleeping all weekend long! 30/4/24 3:08 AM

Influential People

Complete the conversation using the correct form of used to, be used to , or would. I know It ........ be even worse! My father...... have to walk home from school with a group of friends in

شرح Complete the conversation using the correct form of used to, be used to , or would.  I know It ........ be even worse! My father...... have to walk home from school with a group of friends in حل Complete the conversation using the correct form of used to, be used to , or would.  I know It ........ be even worse! My father...... have to walk home from school with a group of friends in

Complete the sentences about yourself 1. I used to......

شرح Complete the sentences about yourself 1. I used to...... حل Complete the sentences about yourself 1. I used to......

وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 O E Write a short dialogue for each picture. Use was/were going to in each. MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 233 4. 3. 2. 1. 2 Influential People Unit 2 233 30/4/24 3:08 AM

Influential People

Write a short dialogue for each picture Use was/ were going to in each

شرح Write a short dialogue for each picture Use was/ were going to in each حل Write a short dialogue for each picture Use was/ were going to in each

2 Influential People F Correct the errors in the sentences. G use We didn't used to have a computer. 1. I would know her name, but now I can't remember it. 2. They are used to live in a small place. 3. I were going to call my sister, but she called me first. 4. They aren't use to the cold weather, because they come from a warm climate. 5. When he was a child, he would studies very hard. 6. Bill has lost a lot of weight. He didn't used to be thin. 7. I knew the radio wasn't going work. Complete the conversation with the words and phrases from the box. cash drives me crazy go around in circles don't mind got cold feet Ahmed: This computer (1) Ibrahim: Maybe you should get a new one. put it aside for a rainy day ! It always freezes up. It's so annoying! Ahmed: Ibrahim: Ahmed: Everyone says that, but I just can't decide. I (2) Sometimes I think it's a good idea to buy one, and other times I think I should just use this one and save some (3) I guess you should save your money, but only if you (4) using an old computer. Sometimes I do mind it. Last week I was so frustrated that I decided I would buy a new one. I went to the computer store and picked one out. I was ready to buy it, but then at the last minute, | (5) and left. Ibrahim: (6) Wow. It sounds like you want to save your money instead. Maybe you should Your computer isn't so bad. Maybe we can fix it. PL234 Unit 2 Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 234 30/4/24 3:08 AM

Influential People

Correct the errors in the sentences 1. I would know her name, but now I can't remember it

شرح Correct the errors in the sentences 1. I would know her name, but now I can't remember it حل Correct the errors in the sentences 1. I would know her name, but now I can't remember it

Complete the conversation with the words and phrases from the box. The computer...... ! It freezes up It's so annoying!

شرح Complete the conversation with the words and phrases from the box. The computer...... ! It freezes up It's so annoying! حل Complete the conversation with the words and phrases from the box. The computer...... ! It freezes up It's so annoying!

2 Influential People H READING Three students from different parts of the world were asked about their goals and dreams. Read about each student. Then complete the chart below. Ali, 17, Saudi Arabia My goal is to go to the United States to study to become a doctor. I am in my third year of high school in Jeddah right now. I study very hard so that I can get excellent grades in school. If I want to study in the U.S., I will need to speak English. I study English at school, and while I'm at home I read books and watch documentaries in English, too. I am going to apply for a scholarship program so that I can go to a university in the U.S. for a bachelor's degree. While I'm studying in the U.S., I will visit different medical schools to meet some of the professors. I will need to get top grades so that I can get accepted into a program. After I get my degree, I can become a medical doctor in orthopedics. Yusef, 15, Somalia My dream is to play on the Somali National Basketball Team. Right now I am the best basketball player in my school. We don't have a lot of money, so the court is just made of dirt. I'm used to playing on the dirt court with no shoes. I have a job watching a man's sheep for him. I save all the money I make. When I have enough, I will buy a pair of basketball shoes. Then I will travel to Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia. I will try out for a traveling team called the Somali Youth Basketball League. If I play well on that team, I can get a scholarship to play basketball at a university. This will hopefully lead to a position on the national basketball team. Eun, 13, Korea My goal is to become a world-famous football player. I have been playing football since I was three years old. I used to watch my older brothers play in the street with their friends, and then I would try to imitate them with my small plastic ball. Now I have training sessions three times a week. I am fortunate to have one of the best football coaches in Seoul as my instructor. I practice and run for at least three hours every day. My friends think I'm crazy, but I tell them this is the only way to become world-famous. I also play basketball with my cousin. When I am 14, I will try to join the Seoul Junior Football League. This will help me improve my skills and get a scholarship to the National Sports Academy. After that, I will try out for the national football team and participate in international championship games. Write each student's goal and the steps the student will take to achieve that goal. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 Goal Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 235 Ali Yusef Eun Unit 2 235 30/4/24 3:08 AM

Influential People

Three students from different parts of the world were asked about their goals and dreams Read about each student. Then complete the chart below. Ali, 17, Saudi Arabia

شرح Three students from different parts of the world were asked about their goals and dreams Read about each student. Then complete the chart below. Ali, 17, Saudi Arabia حل Three students from different parts of the world were asked about their goals and dreams Read about each student. Then complete the chart below. Ali, 17, Saudi Arabia

2 Influential People I Read the text and complete the blanks with the right words or phrases from the list. Then answer the questions. change of heart put out explicable win me over blazing acclaim lay my hands on firefighter industrial design obsessed come to this decision amazing a (2) When I was five, I wanted to be a (1) I had watched the fire department put out fire in a store, and I was very impressed; I wanted nothing else for about a year or so. That was when I was given my red fire engine and a firefighter's costume and tools. Fortunately, all the fires I (3) were make-believe! Between the ages of six and eight, I kept changing my dream for the future from becoming a firefighter, to becoming a farmer, then a pilot, then a firefighter again, and so on. But when I was nine, I became really (4) with the idea of becoming an astronaut and a space scientist. I had seen some (5) photos of stars and astronauts in a capsule in a colorful children's encyclopedia and could think of nothing else. For the next few years, I collected newspaper and magazine clippings, photos, spaceship replicas, and all kinds of other mementos and souvenirs that I could (6) So, when I finally decided to study (7) at the age of 17, my family and friends were really surprised. They had all thought that if not space, at least the sky would (8) -2 and I would probably become a pilot or flight mechanic, or some other related profession. This change was quite unexpected and not altogether (9) They tried to find out if my (10) had been prompted by discouraging or unkind comments, if I had lost my confidence, or if anyone had scared me off. It took some time to convince them that I had actually (11) on my own, and that industrial design was what I had been researching and finding out about for at least two years. for I am now a successful designer, and I have managed to earn some (12) innovative ideas and designs. I am committed to my work and get a lot of satisfaction out of it. One of the reasons I like it so much is that I can keep on learning, observing, developing new ideas, and discovering new materials. This, naturally, means that I can keep on setting new goals and challenges for the rest of my life; my most recent goal! 1. List the stages that the writer went through before making his final career decision. a. b. C. d. 2. Why do you think the writer's final decision was met with surprise and concern? P+236 Unit 2 Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 236 30/4/24 3:08 AM

Influential People

Read the text and complete the blanks with the right words or phrase from the list. When I was three I wanted to be a.......

شرح Read the text and complete the blanks with the right words or phrase from the list.  When I was three I wanted to be a....... حل Read the text and complete the blanks with the right words or phrase from the list.  When I was three I wanted to be a.......

وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 1. 2. 3. MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 237 O 2 Influential People J Write as many words as you can about the actions (verbs) you see in the pictures. Write sentences about the pictures using used to, would, and was/were going to. Action words (verbs) Unit 2 237 30/4/24 3:08 AM

Influential People

write as many words as you can about the actions (verbs) you see in the pictures Write sentences about the picture using used to, would, and was/were going to

شرح write as many words as you can about the actions (verbs) you see in the pictures Write sentences about the picture using used to, would, and was/were going to حل write as many words as you can about the actions (verbs) you see in the pictures Write sentences about the picture using used to, would, and was/were going to

P238 Unit 2 Ministry of Education 2024-1446 2 Influential People MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 238 K WRITING Write about your goals and dreams. 1. Before you write, take notes in the chart below. My Goal Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 2. Now use your notes from the chart to write your essay. O 30/4/24 3:08 AM

Influential People

Write about your goals and dreams 1. Before you write take notes in the chart below

شرح Write about your goals and dreams 1. Before you write take notes in the chart below حل Write about your goals and dreams 1. Before you write take notes in the chart below

Write complete sentences. Use the present perfect. I/be/Dubai I've been to Dubai. 1. my cousin / buy a house / in Riyadh 2. Samir/begin / to study economics at college 3. we go shopping / in the mall 4. my parents / live / in Makkah for all their lives 2 Influential People M Write two sentences for each situation. Use the present perfect plus since and for. Sultan started to exercise on September 5. Today is December 5. He has exercised since September. He has exercised for three months. 1. Faisal used his new laptop on Monday for the first time. Today is Friday. 2. Sabah and Amal studied English in sixth grade for the first time. They're now in ninth grade. 3. My parents bought their restaurant when I was three years old. I'm sixteen years old now. N Write questions. Use How long. you/work/at the hotel How long have worked at the hotel? you 1. they live in Jeddah وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 2. she/work/ in this school 3. Omar/own / supermarket 4. Tariq / be / taxi driver 5. you / study / English MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 239 Unit 2 239 30/4/24 3:08 AM

Influential People

Write complete sentences use the present perfect 1 my cousin/ buy a house / in Riyadh

شرح Write complete sentences use the present perfect 1 my cousin/ buy a house / in Riyadh حل Write complete sentences use the present perfect 1 my cousin/ buy a house / in Riyadh

Write two sentences for each situation Use the present perfect plus since and for

شرح Write two sentences for each situation Use the present perfect plus since and for حل Write two sentences for each situation Use the present perfect plus since and for

Write questions Use How long 1. they / live / in Jeddah

شرح Write questions Use How long 1. they / live / in Jeddah حل Write questions Use How long 1. they / live / in Jeddah

2 Influential People O O ● Circle the correct words. P 1. Have you (once / ever) flown in a helicopter? 2. Noura has made five phone calls (so far / yet) this evening. 3. We have seen this film (twice/never) this year. 4. I haven't finished my project (yet / recently). 5. Have they (already lately) closed the shop? 6. The company hasn't been very successful (recently / already). Use each group of words to write two sentences. Use the present perfect for one sentence and the simple past for the other sentence. Badr meet a millionaire // last year Badr has met a millionaire. He met a millionaire last year. 1. we make a donation to charity // last Friday morning 2. Frank and James / go sightseeing / in China // during their vacation in 2012 3. 1/buy/many books online // this past year 4. Our teacher, Mr. Simpson, / study Arabic at evening classes // five years ago Q Write questions for the statements in P. Has Badr ever met a millionaire? When did Badr meet a millionaire? 1. 2. 3. 4. P+240 Unit 2 Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 240 30/4/24 3:08 AM

Influential People


حل O.Circle

Use each group of words to write two sentences. Use the present perfect for one sentence and the simple past for the other sentence 1. we/make a donation/to charity // last Friday morning

حل Use each group of words to write two sentences. Use the present perfect for one sentence and the simple past for the other sentence 1. we/make a donation/to charity // last Friday morning

Write questions for the statements in P

حل Write questions for the statements in P
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