Two Is Better Than One - Mega goal 3 - ثالث ثانوي

كتاب النشاط

نشاط unit1: Two Is Better Than One

كتاب النشاط

نشاط unit1: Two Is Better Than One

Read each sentence. Tick T whether the underlined word is an adjective or a pronoun Would you 1 Sure, love another
الانجليزيه شكل مختلف
(14) 4 التقييم 3 التعليقات المشاركة

1 Two Is Better Than One A Unscramble the words. aier bl el 1. de era glyn 2. ved deto 3. eren pio 4. tai ovna 5. te ne vixes 6. y otra baro 7. ytra vioidatci reliable B Complete the sentences with the words from exercise A. He is devoted وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 to his research. He spends all of his time working on it. 1. Khalid is learning how to design airplanes. He wants to become a leading figure in the field of 2. Majed Ahmed Abdullah is 3. Scientists usually do scientists know about the results. Term 1 Even children today have heard his name. research on a topic before they publish a paper to let other 4. Imad and Hussein spent hours in their 5. doing experiments. can harm people in many ways, but skin burns are the most common injury. 6. When you buy a car, make sure it's a of money having it repaired. brand so that you won't need to spend a lot 7. Suliman Olayan was a Saudi Arabian who contributed to the Kingdom's development.. MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 221 Unit 1 221 30/4/24 3:08 AM

Two Is Better Than One

Unscramble the words 1. d e e r a g l y n

شرح Unscramble the words 1. d e e r a g l y n حل Unscramble the words 1. d e e r a g l y n

Complete the sentences with the words from exercise A 1. Khaid is learning how to design airplanes. He wants to become a leading figure in the figure of.......

شرح Complete the sentences with the words from exercise A 1. Khaid is learning how to design airplanes. He wants to become a leading figure in the figure of....... حل Complete the sentences with the words from exercise A 1. Khaid is learning how to design airplanes. He wants to become a leading figure in the figure of.......

1 Two Is Better Than One C Read each sentence. Tick (✓) whether the underlined word is an adjective or a pronoun. D Would you like another piece of pizza? 1. Sure, I'd love another. 2. I have another computer. Would you like to use it? 3. Some documentaries are interesting. Others aren't. 4. We need to get another car. This one is so old! 5. Is there any other food? I don't eat steak. 6. Many of the teachers are leaving. Others aren't. 7. I'm going to sit at the table with the other kids. 8. I can't find my math book anywhere. I might just buy another. Circle the correct words to finish the conversations. adjective ☑ A: Mom! Have you seen my black shoes? B: No, and we have to go. You'll just have to wear (other / others). 1. A: Would you like (another / other) cup of tea? B: Sure. I would love (another / others). Thanks! 2. A: Do you have (another / others) pen? B: I'm sorry. I have (others / other), but I left them in my locker. 3. A: It's cold outside! You might want to wear (another / other) clothes! B: I'll be fine. I'll just wear (another / other) sweater. 4. A: I finished the reading. Did the teacher give us (other / others) homework for tonight? B: No, that was all of it. 5. A: These are great cookies! B: I'm glad you like them! Would you like (another / others)? 6. A: Hey, I thought you were going to buy chocolate cookies! B: I was, but then I found (another / others) that I liked more. P222 Unit 1 Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 222 pronoun ☐ ☐ 30/4/24 3:08 AM

Two Is Better Than One

Read each sentence. Tick T whether the underlined word is an adjective or a pronoun Would you 1 Sure, love another

شرح Read each sentence. Tick T whether the underlined word is an adjective or a pronoun Would you 1 Sure, love another حل Read each sentence. Tick T whether the underlined word is an adjective or a pronoun Would you 1 Sure, love another

Circle the correct words to finish the conversations 1. Would you like (another/other) cup of tea?

حل Circle the correct words to finish the conversations 1. Would you like (another/other) cup of tea?

E Rewrite each sentence, adding the emphatic do, does, or did. I called you last night. I did call you last night. 1. He eats shrimp. 2. It rained in New York yesterday. 3. I feel sick. 4. They came to school last week. 5. Susan lives in Los Angeles. 6. You need to come with me. 7. The little bird followed us home. 8. We have that game. 9. They like to take expensive vacations. 10. Fahd works very hard. F Correct the errors in the sentences. another I'm cold. Do you have other hat? 1. I do go to school yesterday. 2. These shoes are uncomfortable. I think I'll wear other. 3. Faisal is going to the game with others people. 4. Bob does wants to eat dinner with us. 5. I think I'll buy another books. This one is boring. 6. This ball is too small. Do you have anothers? 7. She do have a class right now. 8. Some people agree with me. Other don't. 9. They did went to the game last night. 10. Did Asma get another computers? She already had two! وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 223 1 Two Is Better Than One Unit 1 223 30/4/24 3:08 AM

Two Is Better Than One

Rewrite each sentence, adding the emphatic do does, or did 1. He eats shrimp.

شرح Rewrite each sentence, adding the emphatic do does, or did 1. He eats shrimp. حل Rewrite each sentence, adding the emphatic do does, or did 1. He eats shrimp.

Correct the errors in the sentences. 1. I do go to school yesterday.

شرح Correct the errors in the sentences. 1. I do go to school yesterday. حل Correct the errors in the sentences. 1. I do go to school yesterday.

1 Two Is Better Than One G Write a short dialogue for each picture. Use another, other, others, or the emphatic do in each. 1. 2. 3. H Complete the conversation with the phrases from the box. divide up No sweat I think it would be fair not my cup of tea on the same wavelength Would you be willing to Jenny: This science project is going to be a lot of work. Sarah: I know. Maybe we should (1) the work between us so that we work faster. Jenny: That's a good idea. (2) if one of us prepared the research notes and the other wrote the results paper. Sarah: (3) write the results paper? Typing is (4) I'm terrible at it! Jenny: (5) . I love typing! Sarah: And I like writing up research notes! Jenny: Great! I'm glad we're (6) . I think we're going to work well together! Sarah: Me, too! P224 Unit 1 Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 224 30/4/24 3:08 AM

Two Is Better Than One

write a short dialogue for each picture. Use another, other, others, or the emphatic do in each

شرح write a short dialogue for each picture. Use another, other, others, or the emphatic do in each حل write a short dialogue for each picture. Use another, other, others, or the emphatic do in each

Complete the conversation with the phrases from the box. I know Maybe we should........ the work between us so that we work faster

شرح Complete the conversation with the phrases from the box.  I know Maybe we should........ the work between us so that we work faster حل Complete the conversation with the phrases from the box.  I know Maybe we should........ the work between us so that we work faster

I READING وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 1 Two Is Better Than One Read the article and interviews. Then answer true or false for each statement below. Forming Business Partners in the Information Age In the past, people used to meet their business partners in person at schools, universities, or work. Today, more and more people are turning to technology to find a good partner. We interviewed Adnan who met his partner Greg online. Interviewer: So, exactly how did you go about finding Greg, your partner? Adnan: We found each other's résumé on ePartner. Interviewer: Can you tell us a little about ePartner. How does it work? Adnan: It is based on the principle that people should be matched on key personality characteristics. Interviewer: So how do you know if your personality has the same key characteristics as someone else's? Adnan: Well, everyone who signs up for ePartner has to take an online personality and aptitude test. After you finish the questionnaire, you get a list of likely matches. Interviewer: And did you match? I mean did you hit it off with your partner right away? Adnan: Actually, he didn't respond until a month later. But we've been partners for two years now, and we haven't had a single argument. We don't agree on everything, but we talk about things and always work out a solution that satisfies both of us. Getting Funding for a New Business In the past people used to save and start a business when they had enough cash. These days, people can put together a business plan, copyright it, and search for sponsors through the Internet. Interviewer: So can you explain to us exactly what sponsoring is? Greg: Sure. There are networks that accept proposals for new businesses and include them in their data bank. Your proposal can then be seen by potential sponsors or investors. Interviewer: So, is it similar to social networking online. Greg: I suppose you could say that. But this one is business networking, and the concept is closer to ePartnering in the sense that you eventually get to meet sponsors in person. Interviewer: I see...and about how many sponsors can you meet and how quickly? Greg: If you want, you can meet up to five or six potential sponsors a day. Interviewer: Wow! Five sponsors a day! That's a lot. Interesting. Thanks for sharing with us, Greg, and good luck to you with your new business! In the past, people often met their business partners through common organizations. true 1. Adnan and Greg share some common personality characteristics. 2. Adnan and his partner never disagree. 3. When you try to get funding online you don't get to meet sponsors. 4. You can meet up to six sponsors a day. MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 225 Unit 1 225 30/4/24 3:08 AM

Two Is Better Than One

Read the article Forming Business Partners in the Information Age and interviews. Then answer true or false for each statement below 1. Adnan and Greg share some common personality characteri

شرح Read the article Forming Business Partners in the Information Age and interviews. Then answer true or false for each statement below 1. Adnan and Greg share some common personality characteri حل Read the article Forming Business Partners in the Information Age and interviews. Then answer true or false for each statement below 1. Adnan and Greg share some common personality characteri

1 Two Is Better Than One J ♫ Read the text and answer the questions. Then complete the questionnaire at the end of the text with your own ideas. Partnering with Friends and Relatives Some people avoid setting up business partnerships with friends or family members. They feel that there cannot be clear boundaries between friendship and work, and things can go very wrong if you disagree with your friend and business partner. Others feel that friends make the best business partners because there is a real relationship, as well as a sense of loyalty and willingness to share. According to yet another view, friends are great potential partners but not relatives. I think it comes down to who the people are and what their qualities are. I also feel that self-confidence is invariably a determining factor. People who are aware of their strengths and weaknesses and are confident about their abilities and potential make good business partners. On the other hand, people who are meek and always take a back seat sometimes tend to be unpredictable and might take advantage of their partner when given a chance. But even then, you cannot really say that this is always the case. So it all depends on the individual. An aspect of friendship that might affect a working relationship has to do with the fact that friends tend to do what they like rather than what they can do best; they feel that they have license to indulge and do exactly that, because they are working with friends. This can lead to bad and destructive business decisions. So it's advisable to discuss responsibilities beforehand, agree on details, and put everything down on paper. One thing is certain; if you plan to be the leader of the business, what you need to find out is if your friends respect you as much as you respect them. Here are some questions you could ask yourself before setting up a partnership: A. Does my friend really listen to me when I talk? B. When I have a good idea, does my friend reject it or does he/she contribute to its development? C. Can I confide in my friend and trust him/her not to tell others our business ideas. D. Does my friend come to me for advice? E. Has my friend been by my side when I've needed help or support? F. Has my friend accepted my help and support when it was offered? G. H. I. J. 1. Why are some people against setting up partnerships with friends and relatives? 2. Why are friends considered potentially good business partners? 3. What qualities are important in a working relationship according to the writer? 4. What should you do if you are heading the business? 5. Now, read the text again and add your own questions from G to J. P+226 Unit 1 Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 226 30/4/24 3:08 AM

Two Is Better Than One

Read the text Partnering with Friends and Relatives and answer the questions. Then complete the questionnaire at the end of the text with your own ideas 1 Why are some people against setting

شرح Read the text Partnering with Friends and Relatives and answer the questions. Then complete the questionnaire at the end of the text with your own ideas 1 Why are some people against setting حل Read the text Partnering with Friends and Relatives and answer the questions. Then complete the questionnaire at the end of the text with your own ideas 1 Why are some people against setting

وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 1. 2. 3. MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 227 O 1 Two Is Better Than One K Study the picture and imagine what it might be like to live in a place like this compared with other places. Make some notes under each of the headings below. Then write sentences about the picture using other, others, another, or each other. other others another each other Unit 1 227 30/4/24 3:08 AM

Two Is Better Than One

Study the picture and imagine what it might be like to live in a place like this compared with other places Make some notes under each of the headings below Then write sentences about poure u

حل Study the picture and imagine what it might be like to live in a place like this compared with other places Make some notes under each of the headings below Then write sentences about poure u

P228 Unit 1 Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 228 1 Two Is Better Than One O L WRITING Write about how, where, and when you met your best friend. What was your life like before you met? What is your life like now? 1. Before you write, take notes in the chart below. My life before we met My friend's life before we met How/where/when we met Our life together 2. Now use your notes from the chart to write your essay. 30/4/24 3:08 AM

Two Is Better Than One

Write about how, where, and when you met your best friend. What was your life like before you met What is your life like now? 1 Before you write, take notes in the chart below.

حل Write about how, where, and when you met your best friend. What was your life like before you met What is your life like now? 1 Before you write, take notes in the chart below.

O 1 Two Is Better Than One M Read the interview with two company partners. Circle the correct form. Presenter: As more and more people (1. set up are setting up) businesses together these days, we Ali: interviewed two friends who (2. are trying/try) to make a go of it. We (3. are waiting / wait) for our first pair to arrive now. Ah! There (4. are they / they are)! Let's welcome Ali and Faisal... So tell us about your experience of working together. You (5. are / are being) web designers, aren't you? How (6. things go / are things going)? (7. Is the business / The business is) working out as planned? Well, it (8. is is being) actually easier than we thought it might be. First of all, let me. explain, we (9. have are having) a software program that (10. assists / is assisting) our customers to build their own websites. Let me show you an example on the screen... Here (11. you go / are going)! This (12. is/ is being) our website. Presenter: Wow! The site certainly (13. seems / Faisal: is seeming) fantastic! (14. Are you believing / Do you believe) that's all due to your partnership? KAN Oh, yes. It really (15. helps / is helping) to have two pairs of eyes on the screen, and two pairs of hands to share the load. Presenter: What about the downsides? Any problems, so far? Ali: To be frank, nothing serious. Naturally, we (16. have / are having) our differences of opinion occasionally. That's normal when two people (17. spend / spending) so much time together. Presenter: Anything specific? Faisal: Ali: The only thing that bugs me is that Ali (18. is constantly interrupting / constantly interrupts) me while I (19. am speaking / speak) with clients online. And our chatline (20. opens / is opening) at 8 a.m., but Faisal never (21. arrives / is arriving) at work on time. Presenter: So in general, (22. do you have / are you having) any advice for others who (23. are thinking / think) about starting a joint venture? Faisal: Sure. It (24. appears / is appearing) to be an easy solution, but it (25. requires / is requiring) a great deal of trust and understanding. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 Ali: Right! But if you've got that, it (26. is / is being) definitely better than going it alone. MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 229 Unit 1 229 30/4/24 3:08 AM

Two Is Better Than One

Read the interview with two company partners. Circle the correct form. As more and more people ( set up/ are setting up) businesses together these days

شرح Read the interview with two company partners. Circle the correct form. As more and more people ( set up/ are setting up) businesses together these days حل Read the interview with two company partners. Circle the correct form. As more and more people ( set up/ are setting up) businesses together these days

1 Two Is Better Than One N Put the words into the correct categories. Some words may go in more than one category. interactive displays seminars space antiques culture jewelry documents manuscripts educational books pottery exhibitions robots history informative exhibits ruins science state-of-the-art 3-D digital cinema for scientific documentaries MUSEUM Words Connected with Museums and Galleries Archaeological Technological National O Circle the correct word(s). In some cases, both words are correct. The new gallery is (1. extremely / completely) popular with visitors. It's a (2. really / very) amazing place to go when you are in the center of the city. The works of art on display are (3. pretty/ absolutely) stunning. The paintings are in (4. totally / extremely) bright colors, though there are some (5. quite / very) terrifying illustrations. There are also a number of sculptures which are (6. quite extremely) beautiful, and some of them are (7. very/absolutely) priceless. There's a (8. quite / really) massive selection of exhibits, and the admission. prices are (9. very / quite) reasonable. Among those often exhibited there, are many (10. absolutely / really) important local and foreign artists. So, don't miss it. It's (11. absolutely / very) fascinating! P Rewrite the sentences with different intensifiers and adjectives. 1. The exhibition was very good. We had a really good time. 2. The exhibition was very bad. We had a very bad time. 3. The museum was very bad, and the staff were very bad. 4. The art gallery was very good, and the things were very nice. 5. That's a very good picture. It's very nice. PL230 Unit 1 Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 230 30/4/24 3:08 AM

Two Is Better Than One

Put the words into the correct categories. Some words may go in more than one category

شرح Put the words into the correct categories. Some words may go in more than one category حل Put the words into the correct categories. Some words may go in more than one category

Circle the correct word(s). In some cases, both words are correct. The new gallery is ( extremely/ completely) popular with visitors

شرح Circle the correct word(s). In some cases, both words are correct. The new gallery is ( extremely/ completely) popular with visitors حل Circle the correct word(s). In some cases, both words are correct. The new gallery is ( extremely/ completely) popular with visitors

Rewrite the sentences with different intensifiers and adjectives 1. The exhibition was very good We had a really good time

حل Rewrite the sentences with different intensifiers and adjectives 1. The exhibition was very good We had a really good time
Noura Hassan
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