They Said We Said - Mega goal 3 - ثالث ثانوي
Term 1
Unit1: Two Is Better Than One
Unit2: influential people
Unit3: What Will They Think of Next
Unit4: The World of TV
Term 2
Unit5: Do You Really Need It
Unit6: The Gender Divide
unit7: Everyone Makes Mistakes
unit8: Against the Odds
Term 3
unit9: Beauty Is Only Skin Deep
unit10: They Said, We Said
unit11: Express Yourself
unit12: Lost and Found
نشاط unit1: Two Is Better Than One
نشاط unit2: Influential People
نشاط unit3: What Will They Think of Next
نشاط unit4: The World of TV
نشاط EXPANSION Units 1-4
نشاط unit5: Do You Really Need It
نشاط unit6: The Gender Divide
نشاط unit7: Everyone Makes Mistakes
نشاط unit8: Against the Odds
نشاط EXPANSION Units 5–8
نشاط unit9: Beauty Is Only Skin Deep
نشاط unit10: They Said, We Said
نشاط unit11: Express Yourself
نشاط unit12: Lost and Found
نشاط EXPANSION Units 9–12
10 They Said, We Said A Complete the sentences with the words from the box. brilliant circulated 1. I heard a criticism praise 2. My mother always gives me a lot of I'm going to be successful. ridicule rumor that you are moving away. Is it true? 3. The news about the merger between the two companies lunchtime, everyone knew! 4. They don't like working with Jamal. He always gives a lot of out all of their mistakes, but never notices what they do well. 5. Layla has a lot of 6. Hussain is one of the most applied to, including Oxford University! 7. When I was in elementary school, I was the subject of scandal virtues She tells me I'm smart and that fast. By and points She's honest, hardworking, kind, and trustworthy. students. He got into every university he brothers. They would make fun of me and tell me I was too skinny. 8. There was a big from my older at the company last year. One of the employees was giving inside information to competitors. He was caught and handed over to the authorities. B Answer the questions. 1. Who is the most brilliant person you know? What makes him or her brilliant? وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 2. What are some of your virtues? 3. Who is someone that praises you a lot? Who is someone that criticizes you a lot? 4. Do you think it's bad when people spread rumors about other people? Why or why not? MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 329 Unit 10 329 30/4/24 3:08 AM

10 They Said, We Said C Some of the sentences below are quoted speech and some are reported speech. Add a capital letter, a comma, and quotation marks when needed. If no change is needed, write no change. Eric said that Intertrade and Blumstocks have merged into one company. She said please be on time. 1. My sister said Asma called the department store last week. 2. Pamela said Jessica was reading a book in her room. 3. Pamela said Jessica is planning a big dinner for her parents. 4. He said Ali's not going to finish his research paper this term. 5. They said you weren't going to the library on Thursday. 6. He said he's the cleverest student I have ever known. 7. My father said don't be home late. 8. The newspaper said that the doctors were helping more babies survive the disease. по change She said, "Please be on time. D Circle the correct verbs to complete the sentences. She ((said) told) she (heard /(had heard) a rumor about Susan. 1. He (said asked) they (had been working on the project / were working on the project) for a year. 2. They (say/tell) you (are / were) part of the team. 3. They (said asked) whether you (were/are) coming. 4. The teacher (said / told) us (to wear / wear) our uniforms to school today. 5. She (said / told) she (is going / was going) shopping today. 6. They (asked / told) if she (is/was) hungry. 7. They (said asked) that the whole family (was going to / is going to) Makkah this year. 8. The paper (told / said) that the company (merged / had merged) last year. 9. Ahmed (said / asked) whether anyone (got / had gotten) hurt. 10. She (asked / said) she (had never heard / has never heard) of it before. 11. The doctor (said / told) her not (to go / went) to school until she was healthy. 12. He (asks/says) he (is / was) the person in charge today. PL330 Unit 10 Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 330 " 30/4/24 3:08 AM

E FL وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 O Change the quoted speech to reported speech. She said, "The refrigerator broke down." She said that the refrigerator had broken down. 1. Majid said, "I'm trying out for the football team this year." 2. My father said, "Don't forget to do your homework." 3. The teacher said, "The test will be on Sunday." 4. Amy is saying, "Jennifer is conceited." 5. My sister asked, "Are you joking?" 6. The coach said, "Be on time to practice tonight." 7. Dr. Thomas says, "He's a healthy baby." 8. My brother asked, "Is Tom married?" Yousef stays with his grandmother when his parents are at work. She is very strict, but Yousef's parents aren't. Read what the grandmother says to Yousef and then write what you think Yousef would say back to her. Use reported speech in each sentence. Х 10 They Said, We Said Х Х Х "Clean up your toys." 1. "You aren't allowed to play any video games." 2. "You can't have any sugary foods." 3. "You can't watch any more TV." 4. "It's 8:00. It's time for bed." 5. "Take a shower before going to bed." 6. "You can only read one book before bedtime." My parents told me I didn't have to clean them up. MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 331 Unit 10 331 30/4/24 3:08 AM

10 They Said, We Said G H Correct the errors in the sentences. was My father said he is looking for a new job. 1. My father asked I had done my homework.. 2. She said her sister couldn't went with her. 3. My friend told me not forget to call later. 4. She said if they were going to travel anymore. 5. The papers said they gotten a court order to stop producing the controversial medicine. 6. The teacher said that I doesn't have to do it. 7. My parents told to go straight home after school. 8. He says telling the truth was important. Complete the sentences with the words and phrases from the box. for good split up set things right bad-mouthing backstabbers behind your back lips are sealed on again, off again after an argument about working 1. Saeed and his business partner conditions in the office. 2. Don't be fooled by some people's friendly manner. They can be they feel threatened. Just watch your step! 3. She thought Norah and Aisha were friends. Then she heard Norah Aisha yesterday afternoon; saying she was selfish and inconsiderate. 4. On the other hand, Aisha would never have talked 5. I can stand these Norah's when She would have told her how she felt. friendships. You are either close friends with someone or you're not; you can't be friends one day and then change your mind the next day. 6. Our neighbors have moved away They said they would be happier living near their children and grandchildren. 7. Your secret is safe with me, don't worry. My 8. If you argue with a friend, you shouldn't just end the friendship. You should find an opportunity to talk about things and P332 Unit 10 Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 332 30/4/24 3:08 AM

O ◉READING Read the newspaper editorial. Then answer true or false. Letter to the Editor Daniel Waterman gives his opinion about tabloid newspapers. 10 They Said, We Said Dear Editor, I enjoyed reading the article you featured last week about tabloid newspapers. I firmly believe tabloid newspapers these days go too far. One of the things people hold most dear is their privacy. The right to keep what only concerns you to yourself is fundamental. The rest of the world has no right to know things, such as who your friends are, how much money you make and how you spend it, what you do in your free time, or who you had an argument with. Tabloids print stories like these about celebrities all the time. Do we have the right to know these things about them? Should celebrities' lives be completely exposed just because they are famous? Is it somehow OK because tabloids can make a lot of money selling these stories? The answer is a definitive no. How would you feel if a picture of you and a friend having an argument was taken without your consent and then printed for the whole world to see and judge your actions? I doubt you would enjoy that very much. You might even think about suing the paper. I believe that's what celebrities should do—sue tabloids that invade their privacy. Ruling on these cases is no easy task, though. The problem is knowing when someone's privacy is being invaded and when it isn't, especially when some celebrities seem to chase publicity, not avoid it. One way of making that decision is to think in terms of what readers have the right to know. I have the right to know what directly affects me and the community I live in. I don't need to know, nor do I have the right to know, where some people traveled or which person has an eating disorder. That's none of my business. It's not that I think tabloids should stop being published altogether, but some changes must be made. What I do think needs to be done is two-fold: First, tabloid publishers and editors need to take responsibility for what they sell. They should make sure that what they print is, in fact, true and that it really concerns their readers, or be prepared to suffer the consequences. Second, I truly believe that we, the public, need to be more discriminating. We must stop buying tabloid trash out of respect for our fellow human beings' right to privacy. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 1. Daniel believes people don't care much about their privacy. 2. Ruling on when someone's privacy has been invaded is easy to do. 3. Not all celebrities have the same attitude towards publicity. 4. ம் 5. Daniel thinks he doesn't have the right to know what is happening in his community. Daniel thinks the public as a whole should be more discerning. 6. Daniel thinks tabloids should no longer be published. MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 333 Unit 10 333 30/4/24 3:08 AM

10 They Said, We Said J Report what each person says in the conversation. Use say, ask, promise, warn, suggest, and wonder as reporting verbs. Adel: Do you believe that people don't mind being followed all the time? Imad: Well, I'm not sure about celebrities; they like having their name in the paper. Adel: Do you think they enjoy being pursued by reporters and photographers? Imad: I wouldn't say that they enjoy it or even that they want it all the time, but they like publicity. Adel: OK, that's true. They do want the publicity, but they can't possibly want their privacy to be invaded all the time. Imad: Well, is it invaded all the time? Adel: I'm not sure, but it looks as if it is. Why don't we check news items about celebrities over the last week or so and decide? Imad: That's a good idea. I hadn't thought of that. But I'd like to warn you that once I start reading articles and things I can't stop. I'll probably want to keep on reading and checking other sources and so on. Be my guest! I promise not to stop you. The more information we have the better. Imad: Why? Are we going to use this? Adel Adel: What do you think? If we're going to research this, we might as well use it for our presentation. Imad: Is that a good idea? Do you think our teacher would agree? P 334 Unit 10 Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 334 30/4/24 3:08 AM

وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 1. 2. 3. O 10 They Said, We Said K Look at the picture and imagine what each person could be saying. Write words and phrases under each heading below. Then write sentences to report what each person is saying using the verbs: say, ask, promise, and warn. MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 335 say ask promise warn Unit 10 335 30/4/24 3:09 AM

P+336 Unit 10 Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 336 10 They Said, We Said O L WRITING The word paparazzi is the plural form of paparazzo, which in Italian means "a buzzing insect." Today it refers to reporters and photographers, especially freelance professionals, who search for sensational stories and take candid (and often unflattering) photographs of celebrities and sell them to magazines and newspapers. Do you think it should be illegal for the paparazzi to follow celebrities? Or do you think the paparazzi have every right to follow celebrities for a story? Write a persuasive essay defending your position. 1. Before you write, organize your ideas in the chart below. For each main point you make in your essay, be sure to include at least one example. Main Idea Example 2. Now use your notes from the chart to write your essay. Try to convince the reader that your view is correct. 30/4/24 3:09 AM

M Write the names of the body parts. 1. 2. 3. 4. O 4 3 2 1 10 They Said, We Said 7 8 5 9 5. 6 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. (12) (10) (11) N Read what these people said. Answer the questions with your advice. Use must, should, ought to, and had better. my I have a sore throat, and friend wants to talk to me on the phone. What should I do? You shouldn't talk to friend on the your 3 I didn't study for tomorrow's history test. It's late now, and I feel sleepy. What should I do? وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 phone now. 1 My sister has a toothache. Her tooth hurts a lot, and she can't sleep. What should she do? 2 I have a stomachache, and I have to meet my uncle at a restaurant. What should I do? MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 337 4 Amal told me that Fatima is spreading rumors about me. Now I feel hurt, and I don't want to до to school. What should I do? 5 Ali and his brother have the flu, but their football match is this afternoon. What should they do? Unit 10 337 30/4/24 3:09 AM

10 They Said, We Said 1. 3. 5. ம் O What do John and Dennis say they can or can't do? Complete the speech bubbles and use can or can't. 338 Unit 10 Ministry of Education 2024-1446 John MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 338 013 Dennis Dennis 2. 00 John Dennis 4. 6. John 30/4/24 3:09 AM