Beauty Is Only Skin Deep - Mega goal 3 - ثالث ثانوي

كتاب النشاط

نشاط unit9: Beauty Is Only Skin Deep

كتاب النشاط

نشاط unit9: Beauty Is Only Skin Deep

Write the past participle for each verb 1 break
عين 2024
(1) 5 التقييم 1 التعليقات المشاركة

9 Beauty Is Only Skin Deep m3 Term A Unscramble the words. edxettrca 1. deperigvli 2. etrcda 3. nel setem 4. panpileag 5. irogtnat 6. noosesisb 7. is ctynteh 8. ppeonricu extracted B Write the words from exercise A next to the definitions below. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 319 elements : chemical substances : a person who has special rights or benefits given to them. something that moves around, usually in a circle; revolving something that is attractive. : a small animal that has stiff, sharp quills. : an idea or habit that controls the mind; a fixation : taken out; removed : artificial or man-made; not real .: followed back to its origin or starting point Unit 9 319 30/4/24 3:08 AM

Beauty Is Only Skin Deep

Unscramble the words 1. d e p e r i g v l i

شرح Unscramble the words 1. d e p e r i g v l i حل Unscramble the words 1. d e p e r i g v l i

Write the words from exercise A next to the definitions below 1. a person who has special rights or benefits given to them

شرح Write the words from exercise A next to the definitions below 1. a person who has special rights or benefits given to them حل Write the words from exercise A next to the definitions below 1. a person who has special rights or benefits given to them

9 Beauty Is Only Skin Deep C Circle the correct words to complete the sentences. Sara recently (complained that discovered that) she is good at math. She had always thought the equations were too difficult, but now she understands them. 1. Last night I (dreamed that found out that) all of my hair fell out. I was so relieved when I woke up! 2. Someday I (hope that notice that) cosmetic companies will stop testing products on animals. It's unfair for animals to suffer. 3. Every mother (fears that / believes that) her children are beautiful. It's just human nature. 4. Hameed always (complains that / knows that) he is too short. He wants to play basketball. 5. Please try to (discover that remember that) we have to pay for the water we use. You shouldn't take such long showers! 6. He always (knew that forgot that) he would see better with prescription glasses, but he only recently got them. D Match the sentences. Then combine them into one sentence, using a noun clause. More than one answer is possible. ! We're fortunate that the lightning didn't hit our house. 1. C We're fortunate. I'm not afraid. a. I didn't pass the class. b. He won't be going to university in Saudi Arabia as he wanted. 2. Her father is surprised. c. The lightning didn't hit our house. 3. d. I might be getting sick. 4. I'm not sure. ம் 5. Ahmed is disappointed. e. It's such a warm day. 6. I'm worried. f. She didn't want a new fashionable watch. 7. Bob's amazed. g. There's no school today. 8. They're aware. h. I locked the door when I left. P320 Unit 9 Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 320 30/4/24 3:08 AM

Beauty Is Only Skin Deep

Circle the correct words to complete the sentences 1 last night I ( dreamed that/found out that) all of my hair fell out. I was so relieved when I woke up

شرح Circle the correct words to complete the sentences 1 last night I ( dreamed that/found out that) all of my hair fell out. I was so relieved when I woke up حل Circle the correct words to complete the sentences 1 last night I ( dreamed that/found out that) all of my hair fell out. I was so relieved when I woke up

Match the sentences Then combine them into one sentence using a noun clause more answer is possible 2. I'm not afraid

حل Match the sentences Then combine them into one sentence using a noun clause more answer is possible 2. I'm not afraid

9 Beauty Is Only Skin Deep E Finish the sentences with your own ideas. Use a noun clause in each sentence. 1. I'm certain that 2. I hope that 3. It's a fact that 4. It's strange that 5. I'm disappointed that 6. We are afraid that 7. It's unlikely that 8. I'm surprised that 9. It's possible that F Write a sentence about each picture. Use a noun clause in each. 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 4 5 MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 321 16 3 Unit 9 321 30/4/24 3:08 AM

Beauty Is Only Skin Deep

Finish the sentences with your own ideas Use a noun clauses in each sentence 1. I'm certain that....

حل Finish the sentences with your own ideas Use a noun clauses in each sentence 1. I'm certain that....

Write a sentence about each picture Use a noun clauses in each

حل Write a sentence about each picture Use a noun clauses in each

9 Beauty Is Only Skin Deep G Correct the errors in the sentences. If the sentence is correct, write correct. I am forgot that I should use conditioner on my hair. 1. They're that fortunate they didn't get in an accident. 2. He glad that he finally got his hair cut. 3. Surprising that my sister didn't want to go shopping. 4. They complained the noise was too loud. 5. I was forgot that it was your graduation. 6. It is possible that he will live to be 100 years old. 7. We suspecting that we will hear from them today. 8. Scott glad the weekend is over. H Complete the sentences with the phrases from the box. by far did a double take beating around the bush blew them away fit to be tied on the house 1. Andrew spent weeks researching and preparing the project. He really wanted to impress everyone at work, and he did. He really with his presentation. 2. Wow! Is that Mark? He lost so much weight that I when he walked in the room. I almost didn't recognize him. 3. She was invited to a make-up gathering last week. There was a saleslady there selling make-up, and she let everyone try on all the different products. It was so much fun, and she even gave everyone some lipstick They had to buy other make-up, but even that had great prices. 4. When he saw Fahd last week, Adel got the feeling that he wanted to ask him something, but Fahd was and not being direct. Adel finally asked him what was going on, and Fahd said he wanted help with his math lessons because he was failing. 5. Last week Ingrid bought a beautiful new dress to wear to her sister's wedding. She wanted to show it to her mother and sister, so she left it on the table and went to get them. When they came back, she screamed. There was her little brother with chocolate all over his hands, and all over her new dress! She was 6. In my opinion, having a healthy diet is the most important way to look and feel good. It is great for your skin and provides you with the energy you need. P322 Unit 9 Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 322 30/4/24 3:08 AM

Beauty Is Only Skin Deep

Correct the errors in the sentences If the sentence is correct write correct 1. They're that fortunate they didn't get on an accident

حل Correct the errors in the sentences If the sentence is correct write correct 1. They're that fortunate they didn't get on an accident

Complete the sentences with the phrases from the box 1. Andrew spent weeks researching and preparing the project He really wanted to impress everyone at work and ha did .He really....

شرح Complete the sentences with the phrases from the box 1. Andrew spent weeks researching and preparing the  project He really wanted to impress everyone at work and ha did .He really.... حل Complete the sentences with the phrases from the box 1. Andrew spent weeks researching and preparing the  project He really wanted to impress everyone at work and ha did .He really....

9 Beauty Is Only Skin Deep ◉READING Read the article about anorexia and bulimia. Anorexia and Bulimia People are usually careful about what they eat and concerned about keeping fit. Everyone wants to stay healthy and feel good. Controlling your weight is an important part of keeping healthy, since being overweight increases the risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes. However, an exaggerated preoccupation with weight control can lead to an eating disorder. An eating disorder is an abnormal relationship with food that can result in dieting compulsively or overeating. Two of the most serious eating disorders are anorexia nervosa and bulimia. The symptoms of anorexia nervosa are severe food restriction and excessive weight loss due to body image distortion and an obsessive fear of gaining weight. People who have anorexia nervosa continue to voluntarily starve themselves and exercise excessively even after reaching below ideal weight, believing they are still much too fat. In some cases, anorexics, or people who suffer from anorexia nervosa, can actually starve to death. Bulimia, another serious eating disorder, often begins with a very strict diet that leaves the dieter feeling starved, depressed, and deprived. These dieters develop very strong cravings which lead them to eat enormous amounts of high-calorie foods. To prevent weight gain from these binges, the dieter induces vomiting. Most eating disorder victims are young women aged twelve to thirty, although both men and women of all ages can be affected. There is no clear single cause for eating disorders, though current research attributes it to factors such as genetics or family history; psychological factors, such as a tendency towards depression or obsessive-compulsive behaviors; and social and environmental factors, such as Western society's concept of beauty and the media. In fact, people who are involved in professions that have a high social pressure to be thin have been found to be at higher risk for developing an eating disorder at some point during their career. Throughout the years, there have been many famous people who have suffered from both anorexia nervosa and bulimia. Some women actually died from complications due to their eating disorders. Others were able to get help before their illnesses consumed them, and now speak out about their own battles to encourage people who suffer from similar afflictions to get help before it's too late. Since both anorexia nervosa and bulimia are considered psychiatric illnesses, people with eating disorders usually need professional help to overcome their distorted body perception and compulsive behaviors. Family therapy is often helpful if the victim is young. Tick() the eating disorder that each statement describes. 1. It is an eating disorder. 2. People can't stop dieting and exercising. 3. People sometimes eat enormous amounts of food. 4. People always think they are too fat even when they are very thin. 5. People make themselves vomit after they eat. 6. People often develop this eating disorder after following a very strict diet. 7. People usually need professional help to overcome the eating disorder. anorexia anorexia bulimia and bulimia ப وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 323 Unit 9 323 30/4/24 3:08 AM

Beauty Is Only Skin Deep

Read the article about anorexia and bulimia Tick T 1. It is an eating disorder

حل Read the article about anorexia and bulimia Tick T 1. It is an eating disorder

9 Beauty Is Only Skin Deep J Combine the pairs of sentences and write new sentences using noun clauses as subjects and the words in the box. likely unlikely obvious possible disappointing surprising true strange He thinks he's going to win the award. Others don't think he's got a chance. It is unlikely (that) he's going to win the award. 1. He is not aware of the difficulty involved in this undertaking. Anyone can see that. 2. He is going to get his license immediately. There is a good chance. 3. They are not going to attend our presentation. I thought they would. 4. A new policy will be introduced. It is more than possible. 5. They have decided to accept the job offer and move to Canada. I never expected them to. 6. Most people do not watch what they eat. It is not a lie. 7. After years of research, he decided to give it all up and become a farmer. It is not the sort of thing one would do, is it? K Complete the sentences with the appropriate word from the list. Make changes to the form when necessary. feel find out discover notice 1. Did you complain suspect that half of the class was absent today? 2. After having spent so much time and effort writing the book, he already written a similar story. 3. Don't you that someone else had that the that a lot of people tend to worry too much about their appearance? 4. Having interviewed hundreds of people and researched all his facts, he original version of the account was accurate. 5. 6. Reporters often that their story was not completely true but had no way of proving it. that people do not appreciate the risks that they face. P+324 Unit 9 Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 324 30/4/24 3:08 AM

Beauty Is Only Skin Deep

Combine the pairs of sentences and write new sentences using noun clauses as the words in the box 1. He is not aware of the difficulty involved in this undertaking Anyone can see that

حل Combine the pairs of sentences and write new sentences using noun clauses as the words in the box 1. He is not aware of the difficulty involved in this undertaking Anyone can see that

Complete the sentences with the appropriate words from the list Make changes to the form when necessary 1 Did you...... that half of the class was absent today?

حل Complete the sentences with the appropriate words from the list Make changes to the form when necessary 1 Did you...... that half of the class was absent today?

1. 2. 3. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 O 9 Beauty Is Only Skin Deep ☑ Look at the picture and make a list of words under each heading below. Write sentences about the picture using amazed, certain, disappointed, worried, aware, think, remember, and obvious. amazed certain disappointed worried aware think remember obvious MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 325 Unit 9 325 30/4/24 3:08 AM

Beauty Is Only Skin Deep

Look at the picture and make a list of words under each heading below Write sentences about picture using amazed , certain, disappointed, worried, aware , think, remember, and obvious

حل Look at the picture and make a list of words under each heading below Write sentences about picture using amazed , certain, disappointed, worried, aware , think, remember, and obvious

P326 Unit 9 Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 326 9 Beauty Is Only Skin Deep O M WRITING Write a persuasive essay answering the question: Is it a good idea to watch what you eat? 1. Before you write, think of reasons why it is or isn't a good idea to watch what you eat. Write the reasons in the chart below. It's a good idea to watch what you eat because... It's not a good idea to watch what you eat because... 2. Now use your notes from the chart to write your essay. 30/4/24 3:08 AM

Beauty Is Only Skin Deep

Write a persuasive essay answering the question : Is it a good idea to watch what you eat ? Before you write , think of reasons why it is or isn't a good idea to watch what you eat Write the

حل Write a persuasive essay answering the question : Is it a good idea to watch what you eat ? Before you write , think of reasons why it is or isn't a good idea to watch what you eat Write  the

N Write the past participle for each verb. 1. break 2. sew 3. damage 9 Beauty Is Only Skin Deep 4. scratch 7. repair 8. paint 5. stain 6. tear 9. clean Read the extract from a popular TV show called Extreme House Makeover. Look at the picture and complete the conversation with your own ideas. Use get/have done and past participles from N. ALL L LLLL LL LLLLLLLLLLLL Interviewer: Welcome to this week's episode of Extreme House Makeover when one lucky viewer will have their house transformed by a team of experts. Before we meet the professional tradesmen who Host: will carry out the work, let's ask our host what they are planning for us today... We'll, first we're getting the outside of the house painted. Interviewer: Why are you getting the house painted? وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 Host: MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 327 The old paint is chipped... Unit 9 327 30/4/24 3:08 AM

Beauty Is Only Skin Deep

Write the past participle for each verb 1 break

شرح Write the past participle for each verb 1 break حل Write the past participle for each verb 1 break

Read the exact from a popular TV show called Extreme House Makeover Look at the picture and complete the conversation with your own ideas Use get/ have done and past participle from N

حل Read the exact from a popular TV show called Extreme House Makeover Look at the picture and complete the conversation with your own ideas Use get/ have done and past participle from N

P328 Unit 9 Ministry of Education 2024-1446 9 Beauty Is Only Skin Deep O P Complete the sentences. Use a past participle of the verb in parentheses as an adjective. 1. A (damage) 2. The 3. Her 4. My mother really likes my 5. Patrick has a 6. Our neighbor's newly vanity table won't sell as quickly as one which is in perfect condition. TV has a very clear picture now. (repair) mirror is no good. (crack) dress. (redesign) arm and can't play basketball. (break) 7. My father's new computer monitor has store. (scratch) 8. Everyone talked about the apartment is very beautiful. (decorate) screen. He will return it to the jacket he wore to the wedding. (tear) Complete the sentences. Use a present participle of the verb in parentheses as an adjective. 1. Trying on new clothes and shoes for a wedding is 2. The gym class was 3. These shoes are too tight. My feet are 4. The cosmetics industry across America is interested in beauty. (grow) . (excite) I went straight home and fell asleep on the sofa! (exhaust) 5. The students found the talk about beauty in ancient Egypt very . (ache) as women become more and more ..(interest) MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 328 30/4/24 3:08 AM

Beauty Is Only Skin Deep

Complete the sentences Use a past participle of the verb in parentheses as an adjective 1.A ...... vanity table won't sell as quickly as one which is in perfect condition (damage)

حل Complete the sentences Use a past participle of the verb in parentheses as an adjective 1.A ...... vanity table won't sell as quickly as one which is in perfect condition (damage)

Complete the sentences Use a present participle of the verb in parentheses as an adjective 1. Trying on new clothes and shoes for a wedding is..... (excite)

شرح Complete the sentences Use a present participle of the verb in parentheses as an adjective 1. Trying on new clothes and shoes for a wedding is..... (excite) حل Complete the sentences Use a present participle of the verb in parentheses as an adjective 1. Trying on new clothes and shoes for a wedding is..... (excite)
Fjj Chj
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