Natural Science - TopGoal - سادس ابتدائي
After-School Fun
Outdoor Fun
House Accidents
Workbook: Welcome
Workbook: Family Events
Workbook: Chores
Workbook: Stories
Workbook: After-School Fun
Workbook: Outdoor Fun
Workbook: House Accidents
Workbook: Wildlife
Integrated Learning: Natural Science 1 Look at the pictures and answer the questions with your partner. 1 What do you know about each animal? 2 How are they different? 2 Read and write T (true) or F (false). Correct the false sentences. DO رابط الدرس الر Tigers are animals that live in Asia. They are orange and brown and have long tails. They are the largest wild cats in the world. They aren't friendly and don't like groups. Tigers can live for about ten years. Did you know? There is a white spot behind each tiger's ear. African elephants are animals that live in Africa. They are gray or brown and have long trunks. African elephants are the largest land animals in the world and can live more than 50 years. They live in small family groups. Did you know? An elephant's trunk is part of its Reindeer are animals that live in different parts of the world. There are a lot of reindeer in Europe. They are brown or gray and have white fur around their necks. Reindeer run fast and can live for about 20 years. Did you know? Reindeer live in very large groups called herds. nose. 1 Tigers live longer than elephants. F Elephants live longer than tigers. 2 African elephants are bigger than any other land animals. 3 Reindeer live in bigger groups than tigers. 4 Tigers are the smallest cats in the world. 5 African elephants live in smaller groups than reindeer. 3 Research and present a native animal from Saudi. 71 Ministry of fucation 24-1446 92 TopGoal_1_Combo_2024.indb 92 What animal is it? Where does it live? What color is it? How long can it live? Does it live with other animals? What is special about it? 14/4/24 3:27 PM

Look at the pictures and answer the questions with your partner What do you know about each animal
1 Play and answer. Start/Finish 7 Circle. This is the zoo where / who you can see kangaroos. Unit Review 1 2 3 What is Dr. Sullivan's Name the animals. Where doesn't Emma favorite animal? like to see animals? Why? 6 5 Talk about your Circle. favorite animal. Don't frighten / frightening the animals. Speak quietly. 8 9 10 Add two more adverbs. Which animal is Circle. mean and unhappy in Khalid is the boy the story? slowly who / whose parrot talks. 14 Complete. My cat is s Return It can do tricks! 4 Compare horses and cats. Use "friendly". 11 How are kangaroos and king parrots different? 13 12 Which animal do you Complete. think is brave? Why? Project Design an animal shelter. Work with a partner and: ⚫ imagine you are designing an animal shelter for your town. ⚫ plan your animal shelter. ● make a model of your animal shelter. • present your animal shelter to the class. * وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 TopGoal_1_Combo_2024.indb 93 The elephant is the land animal that lives in Africa. 93 7 14/4/24 3:27 PM

Play and answer What is Dr. Sullivan’s favorite animal? Why?
Design an animal shelter.