Story - TopGoal - سادس ابتدائي

كتاب النشاط
كتاب النشاط
Look at the pictures in Exercise 2 and write what the rabbit is thinking about.
(90) 4.4 التقييم 8 التعليقات المشاركة

Story 1 Look and choose the correct option. Omar is ... a happy because he won the flag hunt. b telling a friend about what happened at the flag hunt. c playing with a rabbit. 2 Look and match. 2 1 3 4 a I think he ate the whole bag of fruit! Let's find some water for him to drink. b Look! I think he found something from your backpack, Omar! And look how happy he is. He must have eaten something delicious. c Oh, no! Don't worry about it too much. There will be other flag hunts where you can do better. d You won't believe what happened at the flag hunt yesterday. My backpack was open and there was trash everywhere. We spent hours picking it up and we couldn't win. 3 Look at the pictures in Exercise 2 and write what the rabbit is thinking about. Look at the rabbit and write: what is the rabbit thinking about? 5 Minst 2004-1446 176 acion TopGoal_1_Combo_2024.indb 176 14/4/24 3:32 PM


Look and choose the correct option Omar is happy because he won the flag hunt

شرح Look and choose the correct option Omar is happy because he won the flag hunt حل Look and choose the correct option Omar is happy because he won the flag hunt

Look and match I think he ate the whole bag of fruit! Let’s find some water for him to drink

شرح Look and match I think he ate the whole bag of fruit! Let’s find some water for him to drink حل Look and match I think he ate the whole bag of fruit! Let’s find some water for him to drink

Look at the pictures in Exercise 2 and write what the rabbit is thinking about.

شرح Look at the pictures in Exercise 2 and write what the rabbit is thinking about. حل Look at the pictures in Exercise 2 and write what the rabbit is thinking about.

Listening and Speaking 1 5.1 Listen and write what Jake's favorite activity is. Jake explains to his aunt that his favorite activity is 25.2 Listen again and match. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 Thursday 1 2 3 4 Friday 5 6 X Saturday 3 Look at Exercise 2 and answer. Which activities do you prefer to do? Why? وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 TopGoal_1_Combo_2024.indb 177 177 5 14/4/24 3:32 PM


Listen and write what Jake’s favorite activity is Jake explains to his aunt that his favorite activity is

شرح Listen and write what Jake’s favorite activity is Jake explains to his aunt that his favorite activity is حل Listen and write what Jake’s favorite activity is Jake explains to his aunt that his favorite activity is

Listen again and match Sunday

شرح Listen again and match Sunday حل Listen again and match Sunday

Look at Exercise 2 and answer Which activities do you prefer to do? Why?

شرح Look at Exercise 2 and answer Which activities do you prefer to do? Why? حل Look at Exercise 2 and answer Which activities do you prefer to do? Why?
منذ شهر
منذ شهر
وشدخلك صوتها ولا صوتك؟
منذ شهر
اشدخلها في امك؟ وابوك
جود الاسمري
منذ شهر
مو انتي واحد💔😍

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