Social Studies - TopGoal - سادس ابتدائي
After-School Fun
Outdoor Fun
House Accidents
Workbook: Welcome
Workbook: Family Events
Workbook: Chores
Workbook: Stories
Workbook: After-School Fun
Workbook: Outdoor Fun
Workbook: House Accidents
Workbook: Wildlife
Integrated Learning: Social Studies 1 Describe what you can see in the pictures with a partner. 2 Read and write T (true) or F (false). A NEW THEME PARK IN QIDDIYA By Noura Hassan A new theme park is coming to Saudi Arabia - a Dragon Ball Theme Park! A theme park has exciting rides. This one will be the first theme park about Dragon Ball in the world. It will be in Qiddiya. Qiddiya is a new city near the Tuwaiq Mountains. Dragon Ball is a comic book series. It is also a TV show. It's about a boy named Goku. He is looking for magic Dragon Balls. Master Roshi teaches Goku martial arts. DRAG DRAGON BALL WE IVREA SURL SUPER gutt IVREA Goku meets many characters on his adventure. Some characters are people, some are monsters. Why is Saudi Arabia building a Dragon Ball Theme Park? Lots of people read the books and watched the show. They love Dragon Ball. A منطقة دال منطقة المدينة المنورة رابط الدرس القدية Qiddiya المنطقة الشرقية منطقة الرياض منطقة مكة النارية منطقة الدون Fans of Dragon Ball want to have an adventure like Goku! Visitors want to come to the theme park. One kind of ride is a roller coaster. It goes very fast. It goes up high. It is scary and fun - and safe, too! The Dragon Ball Theme Park will have a huge roller coaster inside a dragon. The dragon is a character from Dragon Ball. There are ideas for 30 rides about the characters and places from Dragon Ball. 5 1 Qiddiya is a character in Dragon Ball. F 2 The theme park is far from the Tuwaiq Mountains. 3 Goku is a boy in Dragon Ball. 4 Few people like Dragon Ball comic books. 5 A roller coaster is a kind of ride at theme parks. 6 The dragon roller coaster will be very big. 3 Think about what you can do at theme parks. Write and tell your partner. istry of bucation 24-1446 68 TopGoal_1_Combo_2024.indb 68 14/4/24 3:26 PM

1 Play and answer. Start/Finish 1 Complete. I wanted swimming, but it was cold. Unit Review 2 3 What is this? 7 6 5 4 What is this? Circle. Write a word from the same family: He could / couldn't climb the mountain. It was too high. king bring 8 9 10 What is the opposite of low? Name two characters from Dragon Ball. Circle. A word that rhymes with skate is hat / late. Return 11 Complete. I ride a bike when I was six. [✓ Complete. | talk when l was one. X True or false? Dragon Ball is a comic book series. 14 Complete. In a 13 12 -, there are What activities do you like to do in the summer? Who won the flag hunt? lots of trees. Project Make a model of an outdoor activity. Work in groups of four and: ⚫ decide which outdoor activity you like. ⚫ decide how you will make your model. ⚫ draw your model on a large sheet of paper. make a list of materials that you'll need. • write a description of the model, and where and how it is used. • make your model and present it to the class. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 TopGoal_1_Combo_2024.indb 69 69 5 14/4/24 3:26 PM