Social Studies - TopGoal - سادس ابتدائي

كتاب النشاط
كتاب النشاط
Look at the text and check (/ ) the statements that are true for you.
(59) 4.4 التقييم 35 التعليقات المشاركة

Integrated Learning: Social Studies 1 Look at the text and check (✓) the statements that are true for you. 1 I know all of these games. 3 I don't know any of these games. 5 I don't play any of these games. 2 Read and answer the questions. رابط الدرس 2 I know some of these games. 4 I play some of these games. <> Games from the Past These are all games that people played in the past, but they are still popular today. Hopscotch How is it played? Nine numbered squares are drawn in chalk on the ground outside. Players throw a small marker onto a square and then hop carefully on one foot on each open square. When they get to their marker, they pick it up. 1 ज When was it first played? This game was played in 3,000 B.C. How do players mark a square in hopscotch? Blind Man's Bluff How is it played? It's like tag and is played outside. One player is blindfolded and tries to catch one of the other players. The other players run away quickly. They try to get the blindfolded person to change direction so that they aren't caught. When was it first played? They throw a small marker onto a square. 3 How is blind man's bluff like tag? 5 How many players are there in dodgeball? This game was played in ancient Greece. Dodgeball How is it played? It's played with lots of people. One person has the ball. They throw the ball and try to hit someone else in the game. When was it first played? It was played more than 200 years ago in Africa. It was played with big rocks then. 2 How do players move to the next square in hopscotch? 4 How is blind man's bluff different from tag? 6 What was used to play dodgeball 200 years ago? 3 Research a Saudi game from the past. Interview your grandparents. Then tell your partner. What did your grandparents play when they were children? Did they play at school? Was it a game or a sport? How did they play it? Ask them to show you. Did they play it every day? 4 istry of tucation 2624-1446 56 TopGoal_1_Combo_2024.indb 56 14/4/24 3:25 PM

Integrated Learning: Social Studies

Look at the text and check (/ ) the statements that are true for you.

شرح Look at the text and check (/ ) the statements that are true for you.

Read and answer the questions How is blind man's blu like tag?

شرح Read and answer the questions How is blind man's blu like tag? حل Read and answer the questions How is blind man's blu like tag?

Research a Saudi game from the past. Interview your grandparents. Then tell your partner.

شرح Research a Saudi game from the past. Interview your grandparents. Then tell your partner.

1 Play and answer. Start/Finish 7 Complete. Nasir loves d u 8 Unit Review 1 2 Complete. Complete. I wanted to ride my bike, I like to g it S on started to rain. Saturdays. 3 What did Peter and Daisy buy for Charlie's graduation? 6 5 4 Circle. What are the adverbs? Complete. He went / did go to you see the happy school by bus. quick slow movie last night? It was great. careful 9 10 Complete. Name three games Circle. that are played today The opposite of inside and were played in is the past. 11 The opposite of loudly is quietly / quickly. True or false? Hopscotch is a game played with a blindfold. Return 14 Answer. What word do you use when you record yourself and upload the video to the internet? 13 What are the advantages of working in a group? 12 Circle. Max slept ten hours but / because he was tired. Project Create a video game. Work in groups and: ⚫ decide what happens in the video game. design your game characters. • create a storyboard for your game. write your story for each frame in the storyboard. ● present your game to your class. WIGE وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 TopGoal_1_Combo_2024.indb 57 57 4 14/4/24 3:25 PM

Integrated Learning: Social Studies

Play and answer Complete. I wanted to ride my bike, it started to rain

شرح Play and answer Complete. I wanted to ride my bike, it started to rain

Create a video game.

شرح Create a video game.
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