Reading - TopGoal - سادس ابتدائي
After-School Fun
Outdoor Fun
House Accidents
Workbook: Welcome
Workbook: Family Events
Workbook: Chores
Workbook: Stories
Workbook: After-School Fun
Workbook: Outdoor Fun
Workbook: House Accidents
Workbook: Wildlife
Reading 1 Look at the photos in the blog. Ask and answer with your partner. Is playing the piano an easy hobby? 2 Read and write Boy, Girl, or Both. <> No, it isn't. You have to practice a lot. رابط الدرس الرف DOMINOES My favorite hobby is playing board games. I think they are exciting. When I was young, I played games like snakes and ladders. I played happily with my brothers and grandparents. I learned ARE FANTASTIC! a lot of games, and they weren't difficult. We enjoyed playing board games together. Now I love playing difficult games like dominoes. I always think before I make a move because it's important to play carefully. After school, I play dominoes at a club. I enjoy playing in competitions on the weekends. My brothers go to sports competitions. They love running quickly and usually win their races. Jim I LOVE THE Ilove playing the piano. People say it's a difficult PIANO! instrument, but luckily, I play the piano really well. I started playing when I was five years old. It was difficult because my fingers were small. I go to piano lessons after school on Tuesdays, but I also practice at home every day. I always play new tunes carefully, so I don't make any mistakes. I enjoy playing my music. My brother loves playing his guitar, but he plays loudly. I don't like it because you can't hear the piano! I usually ask him to play quietly. Our family loves music because it's relaxing and fun! Emma 4 1 This child thinks it is an exciting hobby. 2 This child says they play very well. 3 This child started their hobby when they were younger. 4 This child practices every day. 5 This child plays carefully. 6 This child does their activity after school. 7 This child goes to competitions. 8 This child enjoys playing the guitar. 9 Their family enjoys this hobby, too. Boy 3 Look at the blog again. Tell your partner which activity you want to do and why. istry of tucation 24-1446 54 TopGoal_1_Combo_2024.indb 54 14/4/24 3:25 PM

Adjective 1 quiet 1 Read and write the adverbs. Adverb quietly 2 quick +ly 3 happy 4 bad 5 loud 6 careful +ily 7 slow Word Work and Writing 8 lucky 2 Read and complete the sentences with the correct adverb from Exercise 1. 1 He wants to win the race, so he's running. 2 My little brother is sleeping, so we have to talk 3 She isn't good at playing the piano. She plays 4 Put the model plane down break any parts. quickly You don't want to drop it and 5 It was dark when the movie finished, so Dad drove home 6 They were playing 3 Read and answer the questions. outside in the yard, catching a ball. 1 What activities did your parents do after school? 2 When did they start? 3 When did they do these activities? 4 How do you do these activities? 4 Now write about your parents' after-school activities. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 TopGoal_1_Combo_2024.indb 55 www.afterschool MY PARENTS AFTER-SCHOOL ACTIVITIES! My mom / dad did ... after school on ... He/She enjoyed ... because ... My mom/dad liked / didn't like ... + 0 : 55 4 14/4/24 3:25 PM