Vocabulary - TopGoal - سادس ابتدائي

كتاب النشاط
كتاب النشاط
Listen, point, and say.
(169) 4.4 التقييم 150 التعليقات المشاركة

Vocabulary 1 4.50 Listen and number in order. D - < > Our Students b www.ourstudents.org а She's playing happily. e d رابط الدرس www.ien.edu.sa He's playing badly. He's walking carefully. She's talking quietly. f g h 1 He's running slowly. Luckily, she's a good player. He's walking quickly. He's playing music loudly. 2 4.6 Listen, point, and say. 3 Look, read, and circle. 1 2 3 4 She's walking slowly/quickly. 5 The boy is speaking The man is running loudly/quietly. 6 quickly / happily. He is reading loudly/ quietly. 7 8 She is playing happily / badly. He is cooking badly / carefully. She is painting carefully/quickly. Luckily / Badly, he learned to play the piano with his father. 4 Ask and answer with your partner. Use the words from Exercise 1. 4 istry of tucation 24-1446 52 TopGoal_1_Combo_2024.indb 52 Can you run quickly? Yes, I can. 14/4/24 3:25 PM


Listen and number in order Our Student

شرح Listen and number in order Our Student

Listen, point, and say.

شرح Listen, point, and say.

Look, read, and circle She’s walking slowly / quickly

شرح Look, read, and circle She’s walking slowly / quickly حل Look, read, and circle She’s walking slowly / quickly

Ask and answer with your partner. Use the words from Exercise 1.

شرح Ask and answer with your partner. Use the words from Exercise 1.

1 Read and answer the questions. a 120 100 40. 20 -10 -20 -20=> -30 40 -40 b C Grammar I want to ride my bike, but I can't. It's very hot. d e I go swimming and play tennis on Saturdays. Why did you go to the shopping mall? I went there because I had to buy clothes. Coo I want to learn to play the guitar, so I'm going to take. guitar lessons. When I need help with my model city, I can ask you! 1 Which sentences give a reason for doing something? 2 Which sentence contrasts one idea with another? 3 Which sentence connects two similar ideas? 4 Which sentence expresses a time to do something? 2 Read and circle. c, d 1 She can run, but / because she can't swim. She's not good at swimming. 2 She likes playing the guitar and / but the piano. 3 He got off the bus when / and it stopped. 4 He likes making models, so / but he doesn't like playing video games. 5 She went outside because / and she wanted to play with the ball. 6 He was tired, so / when he slept a lot. 3 Read and complete for you. 1 I watched TV because 2 I watched TV when 3 They went shopping and 4 They went shopping, but 5 We ate a big lunch because 6 We ate a big lunch, but وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 TopGoal_1_Combo_2024.indb 53 53 4 14/4/24 3:25 PM


Read and answer the questions Which sentence contrasts one idea with another

شرح Read and answer the questions Which sentence contrasts one idea with another حل Read and answer the questions Which sentence contrasts one idea with another

Read and circle She likes playing the guitar and / but the piano

شرح Read and circle She likes playing the guitar and / but the piano حل Read and circle She likes playing the guitar and / but the piano

Read and complete for you I watched TV because

شرح Read and complete for you I watched TV because حل Read and complete for you I watched TV because
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