Family Photos - TopGoal - سادس ابتدائي

كتاب النشاط
كتاب النشاط
Write the words from Exercise 1 in the correct cotegor.
(312) 4.1 التقييم 57 التعليقات المشاركة

1 Family Events Family Photos 1 Look and find. Circle. GAGMPH GMPHYEIU JP B WKBAUM ONO FAA OBIFUNE F CAKR C WCTSNCC CT TOX S E E NS TH TLGRU YOND Q UNE -aunt R cousin daughter granddaughter grandson grown-ups parent son uncle K | E G TZNTO PANWDKF E IPCVA SGRANDSONY JAR GRANDDAUGH T ヨ R P NB TD T AZ E MDAUGHT E RCVL XH GE COUS AUNDRAB B | 2 Write the words from Exercise 1 in the correct category. 1 Male family members (men or boys) 2 Female family members (women or girls) grandson Min 204-1446 124 acion TopGoal_1_Combo_2024.indb 124 3 Other family members 14/4/24 3:29 PM

Family Photos

Look and find. Circle.

شرح Look and find. Circle. حل Look and find. Circle.

Write the words from Exercise 1 in the correct cotegor.

شرح Write the words from Exercise 1 in the correct cotegor. حل Write the words from Exercise 1 in the correct cotegor.

3 Look, read, and complete. Then match. 1 My daughter has a little brown It meows a lot. cat b a 2 These are my Their names are b Qassim and Maha. They are 40 and 42. 3 Our has long black hair. She's C my aunt's daughter. 4 We have two twelve-year-old d named Ashraf and Badr and a six-year-old named Hanan. They are our son's children. 4 Read and complete. 1 John's mom is Amanda, and his dad is Alex. They are his parents. 2 John has a sister. Her name is Melody. John is his parents' and Melody is her parents' 3 John's grandma is named Maria. He is her and his sister is her 4 His dad has a brother named Martin. Martin is John's 5 Martin's wife is named Isabel. She is John's 6 His uncle has a son and daughter. They are John's 7 In John's family there are five children and six 5 Write three sentences about your family. In my family, there is my وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 TopGoal_1_Combo_2024.indb 125 Vocabulary 125 1 14/4/24 3:29 PM

Family Photos

Look, read, and complete. Then match My daughter has a little brown

شرح Look, read, and complete. Then match My daughter has a little brown حل Look, read, and complete. Then match My daughter has a little brown

Read and complete John’s mom is Amanda, and his dad is Alex. They are his

شرح Read and complete John’s mom is Amanda, and his dad is Alex. They are his حل Read and complete John’s mom is Amanda, and his dad is Alex. They are his

Write three sentences about your family.

شرح Write three sentences about your family. حل Write three sentences about your family.
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