Story - TopGoal - سادس ابتدائي
After-School Fun
Outdoor Fun
House Accidents
Workbook: Welcome
Workbook: Family Events
Workbook: Chores
Workbook: Stories
Workbook: After-School Fun
Workbook: Outdoor Fun
Workbook: House Accidents
Workbook: Wildlife
Story 1 Look at the picture. Answer the questions. 1 What do you think the family is doing? رابط الدرس الر 2 Who can you see? 2 1.3 Listen, read, and choose the correct answer. The Family Photo Photographer: How often do you take family pictures? Uncle Tom: We always take family pictures for vacations and celebrations. Photographer: OK, let's take this photo. Everyone! Please stand in the circle! Mom: Children, come on. Photographer: OK. Grown-ups, you stand here. Kids, you stay near your grandparents. John: Where's dad? He's late! Mom: He's rarely late. Can we wait for him? Photographer: Sorry, I don't have time. Grandpa: It's a family photo. We can wait for him! 1 Photographer: Do you want the parrot in the photo? Uncle Tom: Yes, please. And the kitten, too. Melanie: And my rabbit! Grandpa: We want to be near the front, too, with our grandchildren! John: Grandpa, you can stand here, near all your grandsons and granddaughters! Photographer: Where do you want the animals in the photo? Aunt Sally: At the front! Dad: Hi, everybody! Sorry, I'm late, but I'm here. Uncle Tom: OK, picture time! Photographer: Don't move. Smile! The family usually/ never takes photos. 2 Dad is rarely / always late. 3 The photographer doesn't have / has time. 4 The family pets can't / can be in the photo. 5 Grandpa wants to be next to his daughter and son/granddaughters and grandsons. Social and Emotional Learning Read and discuss. 1 How often do you do something for your family because you want to? 2 How does it make you feel? 3 What do you do to help other people? 4 How do you think your help makes other people feel? 3 Tell the story to your partner in your own words. Mistry of fucation 24-1446 14 TopGoal_1_Combo_2024.indb 14 14/4/24 3:23 PM

Listening and Speaking 1 Look at the pictures and tell your partner what activities you see. 2 MA Listen and match. 1.4 1 a Sarah 2 b Norma 3 C Josh 4 d Ahmed 5 Lisa 3 1.5 Listen again. Correct the sentences. D 1 I never go to the movie theater with my grandparents. 2 I sometimes go to the beach with my parents. 3 I always go fishing with my brother. 4 I like to go cycling in the park with my cousins. 5 I love to have pizza with my daughters and husband. 4 Ask and answer with a partner. وزارة التعليم cycling fishing Ministry of Education 2024-1446 TopGoal_1_Combo_2024.indb 15 usually running the beach the movie theater the park How often do you go to the beach with your parents? I sometimes go on the weekend. 15 1 14/4/24 3:23 PM