Grammar - Mega goal 3 - ثالث ثانوي

كتاب النشاط
كتاب النشاط
Noun Clauses as Reported Speech versus Quoted Speech
Mohammad Alothaimeen
(3) 5 التقييم 1 التعليقات المشاركة

10 They Said, We Said 3 Grammar O Noun Clauses as Reported Speech versus Quoted Speech رابط الدرس الرقمي Quoted speech repeats the exact words that someone said. A comma follows the verb in the main clause, and the quoted speech is placed inside quotation marks. Reported speech uses a noun clause to paraphrase what someone said. It is not necessary to repeat the exact words, and quotation marks are not used. Quoted Speech My mother said, "Gossiping is a bad habit." He said, "Mark cheated on the test." Reported Speech My mother said (that) gossiping was a bad habit. He said (that) Mark had cheated on the test. Rules and Exceptions to the Sequence of Tenses In reported speech, if the reporting verb in the main clause is in the past tense, the tense of the verb in the noun clause generally moves back one tense. Quoted Speech They said, "He likes gossip." They said, "He is gossiping." They said, "He was gossiping all day." Reported Speech They said (that) he liked gossip. They said (that) he was gossiping. They said (that) he had been gossiping all day. However, there are some exceptions to the rule of the sequence of tenses: 1. If the reporting verb is in the present tense, present perfect, or future, the noun clause verb does not change tense. She says (that) gossiping is mean. 2. If the noun clause states a fact or general truth, the present tense can (but doesn't have to) be retained. The psychologist said that it is (or was) human nature to enjoy hearing about scandal. 3. When the action that the reported speech refers to has not happened yet, either will or would can be used. Our teacher said that the mid-term exam will (or would) be given next week. 4. The modals should, might, should have, could have, and must have do not change form in reported speech. "Tim should keep his mouth closed." He said that Tim should keep his mouth closed. 5. An imperative is changed to an infinitive, and tell is used as the reporting verb. "Don't spread that rumor." My friend told me not to spread that rumor. Noun Clauses Beginning with Whether or If To report yes/no questions, whether or if is used to introduce the noun clause. Ask (not say or tell) is used as the reporting verb. Jane asked, "Is the rumor true?" Jane asked her friend if the rumor was true. He asked, "Are they spreading rumors?" He asked whether they were spreading rumors. A. Write sentences that quote the speaker's exact words. Use said along with correct punctuation and capitalization. Professor Jin: There will be no written exams. 1. Rebecca: They should mind their own business. 2. Albert: Can I have the check, please? " Professor Jin said, "There will be no written exams. 4. You: I promise that I won't tell your secret. 3. Me: He deserves praise for all of his accomplishments. 5. Mark Twain: The rumors of my death. have been greatly exaggerated. وزارة التعليم Ministry of 54ation 2024-1446 MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 154 30/4/24 3:06 AM


Noun Clauses as Reported Speech versus Quoted Speech

شرح Noun Clauses as Reported Speech versus Quoted Speech

Write sentences that quote the speakers exact words Use said along with correct punctuation and capitalization 1. Rebecca They should mind their own business

شرح Write sentences that quote the speakers exact words Use said along with correct punctuation and capitalization 1. Rebecca They should mind their own business حل Write sentences that quote the speakers exact words Use said along with correct punctuation and capitalization 1. Rebecca They should mind their own business

O B. Change the quoted speech to reported speech. Taro said, "Albert and I are going to form a writers' group." Taro said that he and Albert were going to form a writers' 1. Mrs. Jackson said, "I have taught at this school for 15 years." 2. He said, "My cell phone isn't working." 3. The teacher asked John, “Why are you late?" 4. My brother said, “I think I'm going to grow a beard.” 5. They said, "We don't want to go out tonight." 6. My sister promised, "I'll tell you my secret later." 7. Peter said, "There's a brilliant lecturer speaking tonight." 8. We said, "We'll help them move into their new apartment." 9. The waiter said, “There will be a 20-minute wait for a table." group. 10. Pedro said, "I was watching TV when the earthquake began." C. Circle the correct verb to complete each sentence. If both verbs are possible, circle both. 1. They said that they (might / might have) join us later. 2. She says that she (likes / liked) her classes. 3. The weatherman said that there (will / would) be a storm tonight. 4. He said that criticism (is/was) hurtful. 5. My aunt said that I (should / should have) call her this week. 6. The teacher said that a full moon (appears / appeared) once a month. 7. He said that he (has been / had been) to both London and Paris. 8. He asked his friends not (call/to call) him at work. 9. He said that he (will / would) try to come to the meeting. 10. Her friend warned that she (will / would) get in trouble. D. Change each sentence to reported speech with if or whether. My friend asked me, "Will you buy a laptop soon?" My friend asked me if I would buy a laptop soon. My friend asked me whether I would buy 1. They asked him, "Is the rumor true?" a laptop soon. 2. My sister asked me, “Are you going to tell me your secret?” 3. The waiter asked the customer, “Do you want milk for your coffee?" 4. I asked him, “Did you vote in the last election?" 5. They asked us, "Do you need directions?" 6. She asked her sister, “Can you get some groceries from the supermarket?" E. Write 6 to 8 more lines of dialogue for the phone conversation. Then change each line of dialogue to reported speech. Saeed: I heard that Ahmed and his wife are flying to Jeddah this week. Saeed said he heard that Ahmed and his wife were flying to Jeddah this week. Faisal: I thought Ahmed didn't like flying. Faisal said that he thought Ahmed didn't like flying. وزارة التعليم mistry of Education 2024-1446 MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 155 155 30/4/24 3:07 AM


Change the quoted speech to reported speech 1. Mrs. Jackson said, That taught at this school for 15 years

شرح Change the quoted speech to reported speech 1. Mrs. Jackson said, That taught at this school for 15 years حل Change the quoted speech to reported speech 1. Mrs. Jackson said, That taught at this school for 15 years

Circle the correct verb to complete each sentence Circle the correct verb to complete each sentence. If both verbs are possible, circle both 1. They said that they (might/might have) join us

شرح Circle the correct verb to complete each sentence Circle the correct verb to complete each sentence. If both verbs are possible, circle both 1. They said that they (might/might have) join us حل Circle the correct verb to complete each sentence Circle the correct verb to complete each sentence. If both verbs are possible, circle both 1. They said that they (might/might have) join us

Change each sentence to reported speech with if or whether 1. They asked him, "Is the rumour true?

شرح Change each sentence to reported speech with if or whether 1. They asked him, "Is the rumour true? حل Change each sentence to reported speech with if or whether 1. They asked him, "Is the rumour true?
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