conversation - Mega goal 3 - ثالث ثانوي

كتاب النشاط
كتاب النشاط
Conversation Against the Odds
mohayel english department
(1) 4 التقييم 2 التعليقات المشاركة

8 Against the Odds 4 Conversation رابط الدرس الرقمي Ahmed: Fahd? Fahd? Fahd: Ahmed: Fahd: Ahmed: Fahd: Ahmed: Fahd: Yes? Hey, aren't you...? Ahmed! Abdullah's brother. From Jeddah. From back home. I knew you looked familiar, but I couldn't place your face. What are you doing here? I'm going to school here. No way! That's incredible. Abdullah never mentioned that you were going to college in Beirut. I didn't know either until a couple of months ago. I applied, but I was put on the waiting list. It was looking iffy there for a while, but I got a break in July. A space opened up. I was so happy that I was on cloud nine for weeks. I can't get over this. What are the chances? I hope we'll see each other around campus. Though, I don't know if we'll run into each other that often. I'll be spending most of my time on the north campus. That's where most of my classes will be. Why? What are you studying? Pre-law. No way! I'm studying pre-law, too! Ahmed: Fahd: Ahmed: Fahd: Ahmed: Fahd: Ahmed: OK. Now you're freaking me out. This is amazing. What dorm are you in? Wait. Don't tell me. I bet you're in Fares Hall. No. Habib Hall. Whew. I'm almost glad. I don't think I could have handled another coincidence. About the Conversation 1. How do Ahmed and Fahd know each other? 2. What unexpected coincidences are revealed during their conversation? 3. How does Fahd feel about the coincidences? Real Talk iffy = uncertain break significant opportunity on cloud nine = extremely happy freak (someone) out = to shock or disorient someone Your Turn Role-play with a partner. Think of a situation in which two people might be surprised by a coincidence, for example: two people finding out they have the same name, or two friends who run into each other at the mall and find out that they've just bought the exact same item. Role-play the conversation, using phrases for expressing surprise. Expressing Surprise How about that! I can't believe this! I can't get over this. I'm speechless. No way! That's incredible/amazing! This is hard to believe. What are the chances? وزارة التعليم Ministry of4cation 2024-1446 MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 114 30/4/24 3:05 AM


Conversation Against the Odds

شرح Conversation Against the Odds

About the conversation How do Ahmed and Fahd know each other?

شرح About the conversation How do Ahmed and Fahd know each other?

Role-play with a partner. Think of a situation in which two people might be surprised by a coincidence, for example: two friends who run into each other at the mall .and find out that they've

شرح Role-play with a partner. Think of a situation in which two people might be surprised by a coincidence, for example: two friends who run into each other at the mall .and find out that they've حل Role-play with a partner. Think of a situation in which two people might be surprised by a coincidence, for example: two friends who run into each other at the mall .and find out that they've

O 5 Listening Listen to the story about identical twins who were separated at birth. Then list the similarities between the twins. How are Alicia and Jenna alike? 6 Pronunciation Sometimes consonant sounds are left out in casual speech. For example, when a word with a final t is followed by a word that begins with another consonant sound, the t is often left out. Listen and practice. 1. They are identical twins who, at birth, were adopted by different families. 2. The first meeting was emotional. 3. I thought my heart was going to thump out of my chest. 4. I just dropped the phone. 5. The strangest thing of all is that we even have the same recurring dream. 1. 2. disoriented 7 Vocabulary Building A. You will see the following words in the reading on pages 116 and 117. Match the words with their meanings. detectable a. remaining whole and unharmed b. imagining things that are not real 3. exhilarating c. very thin and tired 4. haggard d. able to be found 5. hallucinating e. the quality of radio waves received by a device 6. intact f. very surprising 7. reception 8. startling g. causing a strong feeling of excitement and happiness h. confused وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 B. Check your answers with a partner. If you do not understand the meaning of a word, look it up in a dictionary. MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 115 115 30/4/24 3:05 AM


Listen to the story about identical twins who were separated at birth. Then list the similarities between the twins How are Alicia and Jenna alike?

شرح Listen to the story about identical twins who were separated at birth. Then list the similarities between the twins How are Alicia and Jenna alike? حل Listen to the story about identical twins who were separated at birth. Then list the similarities between the twins How are Alicia and Jenna alike?

Sometimes consonant sounds are left out in casual speech For example when a word with a final t is followed by a word that begins with another consonant sound the t is often left out listen a

شرح Sometimes consonant sounds are left out in casual speech For example when a word with a final t is followed by a word that begins with another consonant sound the t is often left out listen a

You will see the following words in the reading on pages 26 and 27 Match the words with their meanings 1. detectable

شرح You will see the following words in the reading on pages 26 and 27 Match the words with their meanings 1. detectable حل You will see the following words in the reading on pages 26 and 27 Match the words with their meanings 1. detectable
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