conversation - Mega goal 3 - ثالث ثانوي
Term 1
Unit1: Two Is Better Than One
Unit2: influential people
Unit3: What Will They Think of Next
Unit4: The World of TV
Term 2
Unit5: Do You Really Need It
Unit6: The Gender Divide
unit7: Everyone Makes Mistakes
unit8: Against the Odds
Term 3
unit9: Beauty Is Only Skin Deep
unit10: They Said, We Said
unit11: Express Yourself
unit12: Lost and Found
نشاط unit1: Two Is Better Than One
نشاط unit2: Influential People
نشاط unit3: What Will They Think of Next
نشاط unit4: The World of TV
نشاط EXPANSION Units 1-4
نشاط unit5: Do You Really Need It
نشاط unit6: The Gender Divide
نشاط unit7: Everyone Makes Mistakes
نشاط unit8: Against the Odds
نشاط EXPANSION Units 5–8
نشاط unit9: Beauty Is Only Skin Deep
نشاط unit10: They Said, We Said
نشاط unit11: Express Yourself
نشاط unit12: Lost and Found
نشاط EXPANSION Units 9–12
5 Do You Really Need It? 4 Conversation رابط الدرس الرقمي Farah: Wow! Look at all those bags! I wouldn't buy any more if I were you. I think you're going to regret spending so much money today. You bought four sweaters, three dresses, and two pairs of shoes. Amal: Actually, I bought three pairs of shoes. But don't worry. I'm not buying another thing. I don't think I could carry anything else. And anyway, after all this shopping, I'm officially broke. Farah: Let's go so that you're not tempted to buy anything else. Hey, where are you going? Amal: Look at this gorgeous sweater! Farah: Amal! Didn't you just say you weren't going to buy another thing? Amal: Yeah, but now I'm not so sure. I hardly have any red sweaters, and this one is adorable. Farah: thought you were broke. I would just walk away from it if I were you. Amal: Well, I do have my credit card. Farah: I don't think using your credit card is a good idea. Think carefully about it before you blow more money on more clothes. Amal: You're right. I'd better not max out my credit card. OK. I'm going to show some self-control. If I stay here another minute or two, I'll break down and buy it. So quick-let's beat it. About the Conversation 1. Where are Farah and Amal? How do you know? 2. What is Farah trying to convince Amal not to do? Why? 3. What does Amal change her mind about in the conversation? Real Talk = broke out of money blow waste money max out spend up to the limit beat it leave quickly = Your Turn Role-play with a partner. Imagine that you are about to do something that is enjoyable, but probably isn't a good idea, such as spending a lot of money on clothes, taking a nap when you should be studying, or eating a second helping of dessert. Your partner will try to convince you not to do it, using the phrases for advising against something. Advising Against Something Are you sure you want to do that? I don't think that's a good idea. I wouldn't do that if I were you. I'm afraid you're going to regret it if you... You should think carefully before you... وزارة التعليم Ministry o7ucation 2024-1446 MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 72 30/4/24 3:04 AM

5 Listening Listen to the lecture about advertising techniques. Then identify the kind of technique each product uses. 1. Sparkle Bright toothpaste 2. Dew Top cola 3. Indigo jeans 4. Caremark cards 5. Safe Home alarm systems Advertising Technique 6 Pronunciation The word to has different pronunciations. Before consonants, to is generally pronounced/tu/, like the first sound in the word tug. Before vowels, to is generally pronounced /tu:/ like the word two. Listen and practice. 1. Good morning and welcome to Advertising 101. 2. You are here today because you want to learn the secrets behind how advertisers sell to consumers. 3. Because viewers admire and want to be like the person, they may want to use the product. 4. The advertiser tries to get the viewer to respond to the commercial with some kind of strong emotion. 5. The advertiser wants the consumer to associate the product with the emotion. 7 Vocabulary Building A. You will see the following words in the reading on pages 74 and 75. Match the words with their meanings. a. shockingly strange or unexpected وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 1. consumer 2. exposed 3. logo b. design symbol of a business or product c. without planning 4. outlandish d. different from what is typically expected 5. spontaneously 6. unconventional e. a person who buys things or services f. left unprotected B. Check your answers with a partner. If you do not understand the meaning of a word, look it up in a dictionary. MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 73 73 30/4/24 3:04 AM

Listen to the lecture about advertising techniques. Then identify the kind of technique each product uses. Sparkle Bright toothpaste