Form Meaning and Function - Mega goal 3 - ثالث ثانوي

كتاب النشاط
كتاب النشاط
Work with a partner. Talk about your preferences and give some reasons. Use conditional sentences in the present or future.
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(25) 4.6 التقييم 3 التعليقات المشاركة

O 5 Do You Really Need It? 11 Form, Meaning and Function Conditional Sentences with Present and Future Forms You can use conditional sentences with if to talk about causes and results. Present Facts Use the simple present tense in both clauses. Our bottles are recyclable. If you drink Crystal Spring water, not only do you feel more energetic but you help the environment. Future Facts Use the simple present in the if-clause and the future with be going to or will in the result clause. If you drive the BMX-3000, people will notice and admire you. If you have dull and lifeless hair, Floral Essence shampoo will make it healthy and shiny. You won't feel your best, if your clothes don't look their best. May/Might Use may/might in the result clause to suggest something is possible, but not certain. رابط الدرس الرقمي If you haven't yet worn Planet Mercury sneakers, you may not be performing to your best ability. Put your feet in them today to see what you can do! I'd Rather/I'd Prefer Use I'd rather (= I would rather) to talk about preferences. A: Would you prefer to go shopping or stay home? B: I'd rather go shopping. A: I'd prefer to stay home. I don't want to spend all my money. A. Complete the sentences about facts. Use the simple present or will in the second clause. 1. If you (heat) water to 100°C, it (boil). 2. If they. (climb) up to 4,000 meters, they (need) oxygen. 3. Unless you (stop) spending, you (be) completely broke before the end of the month. B. Work with a partner. Say what happens, will happen, or might happen in the following situations. 1. If children see a lot of toy commercials on TV, 2. If there is a sale at my favorite store, 3. If I leave my wallet or cell phone at home, 4. If you get top marks at school, 5. If I see an advertisement on TV, 6. Your idea: C. Work with a partner. Ask and answer. Would you rather buy clothes online or at the mall? Why? وزارة التعليم Ministry o78ucation 2024-1446 MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 78 30/4/24 3:05 AM

Form, Meaning and Function

Conditional Sentences with Present and Future Forms

شرح Conditional Sentences with Present and Future Forms

I’d Rather / I’d Prefer

شرح I’d Rather / I’d Prefer

Complete the sentences about facts. Use the simple present or will in the second clause 1. you ........ (heat) water to 100°C, it....... (boil).

شرح Complete the sentences about facts. Use the simple present or will in the second clause 1. you ........ (heat) water to 100°C, it....... (boil). حل Complete the sentences about facts. Use the simple present or will in the second clause 1. you ........ (heat) water to 100°C, it....... (boil).

Work with a partner. Say what happens, will happen, or might happen in the following situations 1 children see a lot of toy commercials on TV.....

شرح Work with a partner. Say what happens, will happen, or might happen in the following situations 1 children see a lot of toy commercials on TV..... حل Work with a partner. Say what happens, will happen, or might happen in the following situations 1 children see a lot of toy commercials on TV.....

O Words Connected with Shopping Habits Some words connected with different ways of shopping are: Shopping Mall discounts food courts Small Stores wide range of products friendly service neighborhood helpful staff appealing atmosphere convenient location entertainment luxury Online Shopping convenient door-to-door delivery fast wide range of products pay by card Small, neighborhood stores offer a friendly, personal service. Luxurious shopping malls provide entertainment, food and good discounts on products. Online shopping is becoming more and more popular as it's convenient, fast and you can pay by credit card. Conditional Sentences with When and Unless Use when in place of if to talk about general truths. Use the present tense in both clauses. When you press the button, the washing machine turns off. When water reaches 100 °C, it boils. You can use the word unless in place of if in negative sentences. Unless I study hard, I won't get top marks. Unless you exercise, you probably won't lose weight. Unless you study harder, you will fail the test. D. Read the advertisements. Work with a partner and persuade him or her to buy the product. Use sentences with when, if and unless When you brush your teeth with Sparkle toothpaste, your teeth will be cleaner and brighter. If you buy this toothpaste, your teeth will look great. If you don't buy this toothpaste, you might need to visit the dentist. Unless you buy this toothpaste, your teeth will look terrible. E. Work with a partner. Talk about your preferences and give some reasons. Use conditional sentences in the present or future. ? I'd prefer to go the mall. If we go to the mall, we can also have lunch in the restaurant. 1. local store/the mall 2. e-learning/classroom 3. get a job/go to college 4. buy a motorbike/buy a car 5. visit Dubai/Muscat SPARKLE makes your beeth cleaner and SPARKLE TOOTHPASTE brighter wwwwww than ever. Homemade Pet Foods Your parrot or cat will he and look healthy when it eats this food. FINGER-TIP FINGER-TIP, the most reliable of all wireless hand- held devices. It was designed for mobility and efficiency وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 79 79 30/4/24 3:05 AM

Form, Meaning and Function

Words Connected with Shopping Habits

شرح Words Connected with Shopping Habits

Read the advertisements. Work with a partner and persuade him or her to buy the product. Use sentences with when, if and unless

شرح Read the advertisements. Work with a partner and persuade him or her to buy the product. Use sentences with when, if and unless حل Read the advertisements. Work with a partner and persuade him or her to buy the product. Use sentences with when, if and unless

Work with a partner. Talk about your preferences and give some reasons. Use conditional sentences in the present or future.

شرح Work with a partner. Talk about your preferences and give some reasons. Use conditional sentences in the present or future. حل Work with a partner. Talk about your preferences and give some reasons. Use conditional sentences in the present or future.
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