Project - Mega goal 3 - ثالث ثانوي
Term 1
Unit1: Two Is Better Than One
Unit2: influential people
Unit3: What Will They Think of Next
Unit4: The World of TV
Term 2
Unit5: Do You Really Need It
Unit6: The Gender Divide
unit7: Everyone Makes Mistakes
unit8: Against the Odds
Term 3
unit9: Beauty Is Only Skin Deep
unit10: They Said, We Said
unit11: Express Yourself
unit12: Lost and Found
نشاط unit1: Two Is Better Than One
نشاط unit2: Influential People
نشاط unit3: What Will They Think of Next
نشاط unit4: The World of TV
نشاط EXPANSION Units 1-4
نشاط unit5: Do You Really Need It
نشاط unit6: The Gender Divide
نشاط unit7: Everyone Makes Mistakes
نشاط unit8: Against the Odds
نشاط EXPANSION Units 5–8
نشاط unit9: Beauty Is Only Skin Deep
نشاط unit10: They Said, We Said
نشاط unit11: Express Yourself
نشاط unit12: Lost and Found
نشاط EXPANSION Units 9–12
O 11 Express Yourself 12 Project رابط الدرس الرقمي 1. Compare English and Arabic. Find or write sentences that refer to specific time, i.e. past, present, and future, without time words. 2. Study the sentences and identify similarities and differences. Compare word order and ways that time is indicated. Remember to look for relevant data and analyses in books or on the Internet. Make notes in the chart. 3. Use your notes to prepare a PowerPoint presentation with additional examples, data, and sources. 4. Use questions to address your classmates and make your presentation more interactive. 5. Use illustrations to support meaning and/or elicit ideas from your audience. DEALS خوخ Important Orsinge برتقال B grape Dictionary EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK 1a. 1b. 2a. 2b. وزارة التعليم Ministry of78ation 2024-1446 За. English and Arabic 3b. 4a. 4b. 5a. 5b. sentences MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 178 Similarities (word order/time) Differences (word order/time) 30/4/24 3:07 AM

13 Self Reflection O Things that I liked about Unit 11: Things that I didn't like very much: Things that I found easy in Unit 11: Things that I found difficult in Unit 11: Unit 11 Checklist I can do this very well. I can do this quite well. I need to study/ practice more. discuss world languages talk about the English language ask someone to repeat something use adjective clauses and relative pronouns use relative pronouns as subjects of adjective clauses use relative pronouns as objects of adjective clauses use future forms with will and be going to use conditional sentences with if-clauses (present); and wish/ If only talk about different kinds of vacations وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 My five favorite new words from Unit 11: MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 179 If you're still not sure about something from Unit 11: • read through the unit again ⚫ listen to the audio material • • study the grammar and functions . from the unit again ask your teacher for help 179 30/4/24 3:07 AM