Beauty Is Only Skin Deep - Mega goal 3 - ثالث ثانوي

كتاب النشاط

نشاط unit9: Beauty Is Only Skin Deep

كتاب النشاط

نشاط unit9: Beauty Is Only Skin Deep

Beauty Is Only Skin Deep

Unscramble the words 1. d e p e r i g v l i

شرح Unscramble the words 1. d e p e r i g v l i حل Unscramble the words 1. d e p e r i g v l i

Write the words from exercise A next to the definitions below 1. a person who has special rights or benefits given to them

شرح Write the words from exercise A next to the definitions below 1. a person who has special rights or benefits given to them حل Write the words from exercise A next to the definitions below 1. a person who has special rights or benefits given to them
Beauty Is Only Skin Deep

Circle the correct words to complete the sentences 1 last night I ( dreamed that/found out that) all of my hair fell out. I was so relieved when I woke up

شرح Circle the correct words to complete the sentences 1 last night I ( dreamed that/found out that) all of my hair fell out. I was so relieved when I woke up حل Circle the correct words to complete the sentences 1 last night I ( dreamed that/found out that) all of my hair fell out. I was so relieved when I woke up

Match the sentences Then combine them into one sentence using a noun clause more answer is possible 2. I'm not afraid

حل Match the sentences Then combine them into one sentence using a noun clause more answer is possible 2. I'm not afraid
Beauty Is Only Skin Deep

Finish the sentences with your own ideas Use a noun clauses in each sentence 1. I'm certain that....

حل Finish the sentences with your own ideas Use a noun clauses in each sentence 1. I'm certain that....

Write a sentence about each picture Use a noun clauses in each

حل Write a sentence about each picture Use a noun clauses in each
Beauty Is Only Skin Deep

Correct the errors in the sentences If the sentence is correct write correct 1. They're that fortunate they didn't get on an accident

حل Correct the errors in the sentences If the sentence is correct write correct 1. They're that fortunate they didn't get on an accident

Complete the sentences with the phrases from the box 1. Andrew spent weeks researching and preparing the project He really wanted to impress everyone at work and ha did .He really....

شرح Complete the sentences with the phrases from the box 1. Andrew spent weeks researching and preparing the  project He really wanted to impress everyone at work and ha did .He really.... حل Complete the sentences with the phrases from the box 1. Andrew spent weeks researching and preparing the  project He really wanted to impress everyone at work and ha did .He really....
Beauty Is Only Skin Deep

Read the article about anorexia and bulimia Tick T 1. It is an eating disorder

حل Read the article about anorexia and bulimia Tick T 1. It is an eating disorder
Beauty Is Only Skin Deep

Combine the pairs of sentences and write new sentences using noun clauses as the words in the box 1. He is not aware of the difficulty involved in this undertaking Anyone can see that

حل Combine the pairs of sentences and write new sentences using noun clauses as the words in the box 1. He is not aware of the difficulty involved in this undertaking Anyone can see that

Complete the sentences with the appropriate words from the list Make changes to the form when necessary 1 Did you...... that half of the class was absent today?

حل Complete the sentences with the appropriate words from the list Make changes to the form when necessary 1 Did you...... that half of the class was absent today?
Beauty Is Only Skin Deep

Look at the picture and make a list of words under each heading below Write sentences about picture using amazed , certain, disappointed, worried, aware , think, remember, and obvious

حل Look at the picture and make a list of words under each heading below Write sentences about picture using amazed , certain, disappointed, worried, aware , think, remember, and obvious
Beauty Is Only Skin Deep

Write a persuasive essay answering the question : Is it a good idea to watch what you eat ? Before you write , think of reasons why it is or isn't a good idea to watch what you eat Write the

حل Write a persuasive essay answering the question : Is it a good idea to watch what you eat ? Before you write , think of reasons why it is or isn't a good idea to watch what you eat Write  the
Beauty Is Only Skin Deep

Write the past participle for each verb 1 break

شرح Write the past participle for each verb 1 break حل Write the past participle for each verb 1 break

Read the exact from a popular TV show called Extreme House Makeover Look at the picture and complete the conversation with your own ideas Use get/ have done and past participle from N

حل Read the exact from a popular TV show called Extreme House Makeover Look at the picture and complete the conversation with your own ideas Use get/ have done and past participle from N
Beauty Is Only Skin Deep

Complete the sentences Use a past participle of the verb in parentheses as an adjective 1.A ...... vanity table won't sell as quickly as one which is in perfect condition (damage)

حل Complete the sentences Use a past participle of the verb in parentheses as an adjective 1.A ...... vanity table won't sell as quickly as one which is in perfect condition (damage)

Complete the sentences Use a present participle of the verb in parentheses as an adjective 1. Trying on new clothes and shoes for a wedding is..... (excite)

شرح Complete the sentences Use a present participle of the verb in parentheses as an adjective 1. Trying on new clothes and shoes for a wedding is..... (excite) حل Complete the sentences Use a present participle of the verb in parentheses as an adjective 1. Trying on new clothes and shoes for a wedding is..... (excite)