Lesson 1: Design and Prototyping

Design and Prototyping

Design and Prototyping: Learning Objectives

Tools FreeCAD

Lesson 1: Design and Prototyping

Design Process

Research Phase

Lesson 1: Design and Prototyping


Prototype Phase

Lesson 1: Design and Prototyping

Physical prototypes

Testing Phase

Lesson 1: Design and Prototyping

Finite Element Analysis (FEA)

Optimization Phase

Lesson 1: Design and Prototyping

Prototype inside aerodynamic tunnel

Additive manufacturing

Lesson 1: Design and Prototyping


Oblique drawing

Isometric drawing

Lesson 1: Design and Prototyping

Perspective Projection

Orthographic Projection

Lesson 1: Design and Prototyping

Exploded views

Prototype Rendering and Manufacturing

Lesson 1: Design and Prototyping

Read the sentences and tick True or False 3D models can only be created with CAD tools

Classify the main types of research during the research phase of the design cycle

Lesson 1: Design and Prototyping

Analyze the di昀昀erence between physical and virtual product testing during the testing phase of the design cycle

Describe how a designer works alongside manufacturers in the prototype phase of the design cycle

State how itera琀椀ve design processes are used in the design cycle's optimization phase

Lesson 1: Design and Prototyping

Describe how CFD and FEA simulations are utilized in testing product prototypes

Give the three types of perspective drawing for 3D models

Describe the differences between oblique, isometric, and perspective 3D drawings

State how exploded views help manufacturers understand the product before the manufacturing stage