Online shopping Words - التربية الفكرية - ثالث ثانوي
الوحدة الأولى: القرآن الكريم والدراسات الإسلامية
الوحدة الثانية: لغتي
الوحدة الثالثة: الرياضيات
الوحدة الرابعة: المهارات المهنية
الوحدة الخامسة: المهارات الرقمية
unit six: english language
Online shopping Words Practice 1 Listen and repeat: 迪 رابط الدرس Lesson Eleven ||| Cart Order Pay Category Practice 2 Match: Pay Cart Category Order ٤١٦

Listen and repeat: Cart Order Pay Category
Match: Pay Cart Category Order
Practice 3 Choose the correct word: Practice 4 ٤١٧ Cart Pay Category - Order Pay - Category - Circle the category with blue, and the cart with red. оо ]: ||| Practice 5 Let's do it! By the help from your teacher, open a shopping app and try to put items in the cart. وزارة التعليم

Choose the correct word: Cart-Pay-Category
Circle the category with blue, and the cart with red.
Let's do it! By the help from your teacher, open a shopping app and try to put items in the cart.
Let's do it! By the help from your teacher, open a shopping app and try to put items in the cart.