Smart Phone Words - التربية الفكرية - ثالث ثانوي
الوحدة الأولى: القرآن الكريم والدراسات الإسلامية
الوحدة الثانية: لغتي
الوحدة الثالثة: الرياضيات
الوحدة الرابعة: المهارات المهنية
الوحدة الخامسة: المهارات الرقمية
unit six: english language
Smart Phone Words Lesson One Practice 1 Listen and repeat: Username Password Username ว رابط الدرس الر ว U Password Start Shutdown Practice 2 Match: Username Password ว Shutdown Password Start Username 792

Listen and repeat: Username Password Start
Match: Shutdown Password Start Username
Practice 3 490 Choose the correct word: Password Username Password Shutdown وزارة التعليم ว Username Password Start

Choose the correct word: Username Password Shutdown
Practice 4 Fill in the Empty spaces with the correct Data: F Create your account. It's free and only takes a minute. First Name Last Name Username Email 8 Password 8 Confirm Password Taccept the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy SIGN UP Already a member? Sign In 497

Fill in the Empty spaces with the correct Data:
۳۹۷ دارة التعليم Practice 5 Let's do it! By the help from your teacher, Shutdown your phone, then start it again.

Let's do it! By the help from your teacher, Shutdown your phone, then start it again.