Shoes size - التربية الفكرية - ثالث متوسط

وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 رابط الدرس Lesson Thirteen Shoes size Practice ①Look at this shoes, Try to find the number: 40 XXXXX XXXXX G Practice 2 Color the shoes that has size 38: 38 38 40 40 0.2

Lesson Thirteen: Shoes size

Look at this shoes, Try to find the number

Color the shoes that has size 38

Practice ③ Rearrange the shoes by their sizes from big to small: وزارة التعليم 39 41 38 40

Lesson Thirteen: Shoes size

Rearrange the shoes by their sizes from big to small:

زارة التعليم Practice ④ Rearrange the shoes by their sizes from small to big Ministry of Education 2024-1446 39 38 40 41 LEADENOS KVENNERS 101 7.9

Lesson Thirteen: Shoes size

Rearrange the shoes by their sizes from small to big

وزارة التعليم Practice ⑤Take off your shoe, then write your shoe size: My shoe size is

Lesson Thirteen: Shoes size

Take off your shoe, then write your shoe size