Jack and his Sisters Enjoy the Four Seasons - TopGoal - رابع ابتدائي

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كتاب النشاط

8 Weather Jack and his Sisters Enjoy the Four Seasons 1 Look and match. 1 rain b а 2 windy 3 sky d C 1 4 cold 5 sun f e g i k f 2 Look and write. 1 6 ice 7 cloud 8 snow 9 cloudy 10 rainbow 11 sunny 12 hot h j l 2 3 4 5 6 O 7 2 r_in_o_ 4 S_O_ 6 C _ _ d _ dy 8 C _ _ _ y 8 Minst 2004-1446 1 sunny 3 r__n 5 h 7 W- 208 acion TopGoal_1_Combo_2024.indb 208 8 00 14/4/24 3:33 PM

Jack and his Sisters Enjoy the Four Seasons

Look and match.

حل Look and match.

Look and write.

حل Look and write.

3 Read the text and choose the correct option. The weather changes every day. It can be sunny and warm or cloudy and cold. When it's 2 ., there are many clouds weather, wear warm clothes in the sky, and it might rain. In 3 like a jacket, hat, and gloves. You might feel the 4 blowing, which can make you feel colder. On windy days, hold onto your hat! 5 They After it rains, you might see a happen after rain. So if you see a rainbow, it means the rain stopped and the 6. shining again! is 1 a sunny b sun 2 a cloud b clouds 3 a warm b cold 4 a wind b windy 5 a cloud b rainbow 6 a sunny b sky وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 TopGoal_1_Combo_2024.indb 209 c shining c cloudy chot c sun c sky c sun Vocabulary 4 Look and write. I took this photo this morning. It was very early, and it was very 1 cold to the lake. You can see that the 2 ,but I decided to walk is low in the sky. It is coming up over the lake. The lake is deep, but it has 3. on it. looks pink, and The 4 there are a lot of 5 There's snow at the edge of the lake. I like snow and days. 209 8 14/4/24 3:33 PM

Jack and his Sisters Enjoy the Four Seasons

Read the text and choose the correct option.

حل Read the text and choose the correct option.

Look and write.

حل Look and write.