words with - we can 3-1 - ثالث ابتدائي

words with

Listen, point, and say

Look at the picture and circle the right word. Then Listen and check

Listen, point, and say

words with

Listen, point, and say

Look at the picture and write ai, ay, or a_e. Then listen and check

Listen, point, and say. Circle all the words with ai and ay.

words with

Listen, point, and say

Look at the picture and write the words using ow, oa or oe. Then listen and check

Listen, point, and say. Then say and mime

words with

Write ie, ue, or ui

Listen and write

words with

Listen, point, and say

Look at the picture and circle the right word. Then Listen and check

words with

Listen and write cl or cr

Read, listen and chant

words with

Listen, point, and say

Look at the pictures, circle ar,or, or er, and write the words. Then listen and check your spelling

words with

Read and circle the correct sentence