Risk Management Strategies - Business Finance - ثاني ثانوي

6.5 Risk Management Strategies

Risk management

6.5a Planning a Risk Management Program

Risk management

6.5 Risk Management Strategies

Personnel risks include factors that affect the health, life, or earnings

6.5b The Risk Management Process

Step 1: Identify Potential Risks

6.5 Risk Management Strategies

Step 2: Evaluate Risks

Step 3: Select a Risk Management Method

Step 4: Implement the Risk Management Program

6.5c Risk Management Methods

Risk Avoidance

6.5 Risk Management Strategies

They must estimate the size of losses if anticipated problems occur.

Risk Reduction

Risk Transfer

6.5 Risk Management Strategies

Using the services of a transportation and storage company to transfer

How can businesses manage risks?

6.5 Risk Management Strategies

Risk Assumption

6.5d Diversification of Risk


Portfolio risk

6.5 Risk Management Strategies

This inverse relationship between the two stocks, measured


6.5 Risk Management Strategies

The first step of the risk management process is to:

Self-insurance is considered to be an example of risk:

Diversification is achieved by: