At the restaurant plate glass - التربية الفكرية - ثاني ثانوي

At the restaurant (plate- glass) Practice 1 Listen and repeat: Lesson Five رابط الدرس Plate Glass Restaurant Practice 2 Draw a glass on the table: ٣١٦

Lesson Five: At the restaurant (plate-glass)

Listen and repeat: Glass

Draw a glass on the table:

۳۱۷ Practice 3 Match: وزارة التعليم Restaurant Glass Plate

Lesson Five: At the restaurant (plate-glass)

Match: Glass

Practice 4 Circle the correct word: Plate - Glass Plate Glass - ۳۱۸

Lesson Five: At the restaurant (plate-glass)

Circle the correct word: Plate - Glass

719 وزارة التعليم Practice 5 Trace: Restaurant Glass Plate

Lesson Five: At the restaurant (plate-glass)

Trace: Glass