The IoT platform - Internet of Things - ثاني ثانوي

Lesson 1: The IoT platform

The IoT in Our Lives

Learning Objectives

Lesson 1: The IoT platform

The Internet in the Internet of Things

Cloud, Fog and Edge

Lesson 1: The IoT platform

Fog Computing Fundamentals

Lesson 1: The IoT platform

Fog Computing Advantages

Table 2.1: Fog Computing Advantages

Lesson 1: The IoT platform

Edge Computing Endpoints

Edge and Fog Working Together

Lesson 1: The IoT platform

IoT Enablers

Lesson 1: The IoT platform

Data Classification

Data in Motion Vs. at Rest

Lesson 1: The IoT platform

Networking Protocols

Wireless Access Protocols

Lesson 1: The IoT platform

IoT Networking Protocols

Table 2.3: IoT networking protocols

Lesson 1: The IoT platform

IoT Communication Technologies

Table 2.4: IoT communication technologies classified by distance

Lesson 1: The IoT platform

Connectivity Issues

Many cloud issues include momentary loss of network

Lesson 1: The IoT platform

Read the sentences and tick True or False.

Consider how adding the fog layer in IoT applications improves their effectiveness. Present your ideas below.

Lesson 1: The IoT platform

Draw a diagram to visualize the relationship between the cloud, fog and edge layers of the IoT architecture.

Discuss how edge analytics assist in effective IoT solutions.

Lesson 1: The IoT platform

Classify the types of applications using the TCP and UDP communication protocols, respectively.

Describe the main characteristics of the IEEE.802.15.4 network protocol that makes it so prominent in IoT applications. Present your ideas below.

Search the Internet for information about the main differences in communication between cellular networks and Bluetooth technologies.