1: Programming a Microcontroller

Simulating a microcontrollerbased system

Learning Objectives

Tools > Autodesk Tinkercad Circuits

1: Programming a Microcontroller


1: Programming a Microcontroller

Although microcontrollers can mimic some human functions,

1: Programming a Microcontroller

External Components for Microcontroller Circuits

1: Programming a Microcontroller

Potentiometer (Variable Resistor)


1: Programming a Microcontroller


1: Programming a Microcontroller

Python Programming

1: Programming a Microcontroller

LED light matrix

1: Programming a Microcontroller

Open the code editor:

1: Programming a Microcontroller

Writing code:

1: Programming a Microcontroller

micro:bit Sensors

1: Programming a Microcontroller

Let's first see an example of how you can use the temperature sensor with the LED light matrix.

1: Programming a Microcontroller

Now, let's see another example but this time you are going to use the light sensitivity sensor with the LED light matrix.

1: Programming a Microcontroller

How do you use a microcontroller?

What are the advantages of using microcontrollers?

Match the items in the first row with those in the second.

1: Programming a Microcontroller

Create a program to show the three letters, " K ", " S "and " A " alternating every second on the LED light matrix and repeated forever.

Why do we use the value 50 as a maximum value for temperature when we use led.plot_bar_graph?

What else do you need to check?