.Listen and connect the numbers
(41) 4.4 التقييم التعليقات المشاركة

Goal 71 My Things: Phonics I can read the story "A Funny Day" by myself. I listened to CD3 16 Name Listen and read. 回 days this week. Class No.1 No.2 mat box hen bug bat fox ten 10 rug cat OX pen mug 2 Write the missing words in the trains. وزارة التعليم JE 1. mat cat 2. hen ten 000 3. rug mug WC_02_TERMS COMBO TEXT 2028.indb 53 53 20/3/23 4:38 PM


.Listen and read

شرح .Listen and read

.Write the missing words in the trains

شرح .Write the missing words in the trains حل .Write the missing words in the trains

Goal 7237 My Things: Phonics I can count from 40 to 100. I listened to CD3 17 Name days this week. Class 1 Listen and connect the numbers. 55 80 71 50 63 68 49 60 85 72 86 77 89 64 79 70 59 90 88 100 2 Listen and circle the correct number. A. 35 36 B. 42 52 C. 63 66 D. 78 98 E64 84 F. 92 82 54 دارة التعليم WC_02_TERM_COMBO TEXT 2023.indb 54 20/3/23 4:38 PM


.Listen and connect the numbers

شرح .Listen and connect the numbers حل .Listen and connect the numbers

.Listen and circle the correct number

شرح .Listen and circle the correct number حل .Listen and circle the correct number
لم يتم إضافة أي تعليقات حتى الآن.

الرجاء تسجيل الدخول لكتابة تعليق