Phonics - we can 2-3 - ثاني ابتدائي
Unit1: My House
Unit2: My Things
Unit3: My Day, Animals, Places
كتاب النشاط
نشاط Unit1: My House
نشاط Unit2: My things
نشاط Unit3: My day, Animals, Places
Goal 63 CD3 DE My House: Phonics I can say the spelling of two three-letter words. I listened to CD3 08 Nome days this week. Class Listen and spell. Copy. 1. ox 0-x 2. box b-o-x 3. fun f-u-n 4. sun s-u-n 5. hot h-o-t 6. not n-o-t 2 Write two words in each house. وزارة التعليم JE 1 ot 2. -un 3. -Ox WC_02_TERM_COMBO TEXT 2023.indb 45 回回 45 20/3/23 4:38 PM

Goal 64 CD3 09 My House: Phonics I can read the three-letter word speed-reading list by myself. I listened to CD3 09 Name Listen and read. No.1 No.2 dot OX nut sun not fox but fun hot box cut run days this week. Class Draw lines and connect the family words. وزارة التعليم E 46 hot cut OX nut dot but fox box not WC_02_TERM_COMBO TEXT 2023.indb 46 20/3/23 4:38 PM

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