practice in pairs
(228) 4.4 التقييم 1 التعليقات المشاركة

Phonics Listen, point and say. Write ea or ee. ee CDL 54 CDI 35 ea ea sleep read head sh. -P m. br d 2 Listen, point, and say. Look at this picture. There is a man, a woman and a child. It's a small family. What's that? It's a tooth. In this picture, there are three men, three women, and five children. What are those? They're teeth. 3 Ask and answer in pairs. Use that or those. وزارة التعليم E24 WC_02_TERM_COMBO TEXT 2023.indb 24 20/3/23 4:37 PM

Phonics & Fun Time

Listen, point and say. Write ea or ee

شرح Listen, point and say. Write ea or ee حل Listen, point and say. Write ea or ee

Listen, point, and say

شرح Listen, point, and say حل Listen, point, and say

Ask and answer in pairs Use that or those

شرح Ask and answer in pairs Use that or those حل Ask and answer in pairs Use that or those

Fun Time! Places in Town Listen, find and write. Practice in pairs. CD1 36 There's a restaurant on the corner next to the bookstore. 2. booksbor 3. 1. There's a train station 4. supermarkel 9. lipol opposite the supermarket. There's a gym between the supermarket and the bus 8. 5. CUI 37 station. There's a post office between the museum and the school. There's a park near the supermarket. Things in the House 5 Listen, read, and circle T or F. 1. There's a table between the sofa and the armchair. 2. There's a rug behind the bed. 3. There's a table opposite the fridge and the stove. muselin T F T F T F 6 Practice in pairs. Make your own sentences. زارة التعليم 877 6. bus station 10. I Can ⚫ make the sounds for ee and ea, use irregular plurals and "that" / "those". • talk about places in town and things in the house using "there is", "there are". ZOALS GOAL BU WC_02_TERM_COMBO TEXT 2023.indb 25 25 Unit 3 20/3/23 4:37 PM

Phonics & Fun Time

Places in Town Listen, find and write Practice in pairs

شرح Places in Town Listen, find and write Practice in pairs حل Places in Town Listen, find and write Practice in pairs

Listen, read, and circle T or F These's a table beteen tha sofa and the armchair

شرح Listen, read, and circle T or F These's a table beteen tha sofa and the armchair حل Listen, read, and circle T or F These's a table beteen tha sofa and the armchair

practice in pairs

شرح practice in pairs

I Can ... • make the sounds for ee and ea, use irregular plurals and "that" / "those".

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