Read and color o and u The Ox Story
القناة التعليمية
(68) 4.2 التقييم التعليقات المشاركة

CD1 10 Phonics 1 Read and color o and u. The Ox Story An ox sat on a box. He had fun in the sun. He was hot. He sat under a tree. Then he was not hot. 2 Listen and spell. COLLI 1. How do you spell ox? 0-x 2. How do you spell box? b-o-x 3. How do you spell fun? f-u-n 4. How do you spell sun? s-u-n 5. How do you spell hot? h-o-t 6. How do you spell not? n-o-t وزارة التعليم ME WC_02_TERM_COMBO TEXT 2023.indb 8 回 20/3/23 4:37 PM

Phonics & Fun Time

Read and color o and u The Ox Story

شرح Read and color o and u The Ox Story حل Read and color o and u The Ox Story

Listen and spell How do you spell ox?

شرح Listen and spell How do you spell ox? حل Listen and spell How do you spell ox?

* Fun Time! 3 Speed-reading Make pairs. Read together and clap. CD1 12 وزارة التعليم dot not hot nut but cut Ox fox sun fun box run I Can say the spelling of two three-letter words. ■ read the three-letter word speed-reading list by myself. Advice Time- You can buy a house but not a home. Now go to page 28 WC_02_TERM_COMBO TEXT 2023.indb 9 FOLL GOAL.4 9 Unit 1 20/3/23 4:37 PM

Phonics & Fun Time

Speed-reading Make pairs Read together and clap

شرح Speed-reading Make pairs Read together and clap حل Speed-reading Make pairs Read together and clap

I Can : ... say the spelling of two three - letter words

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