My House Listen and point
جاسم العقيلي
(207) 4.4 التقييم 4 التعليقات المشاركة

Unit 1 My House סאים Talk Time Hello. 1 Listen and point. 124 Welcome to our house.. Would you like to come in? CD1.02 Yes, please. I'll show you around. Thanks. 2 Practice the talks in pairs. 3 Act out the talks in pairs. This is the living room. Remember the Big Four وزارة التعليم WC_02_TERM_COMBO TEXT 2023.indb 2 20/3/23 4:37 PM

My House

My House Listen and point

شرح My House Listen and point حل My House Listen and point

practice the talks in pairs

C01:03 Fun Time! An Old House Listen and find one thing in each room. وزارة التعليم F 6. living room 3. kitchen 5. bedroom 4. bathroom 2. dining room Here it is! I found it! 1. front door I Can ... ⚫ act out the talks about showing around the house with a partner. show someone around my house. WC_02_TERM_COMBO TEXT 2023.indb 3 GOAL 57 GOAL 58 3 Dril 1 20/3/23 4:37 PM

My House

An Old House Listen and find one thing in each room

شرح An Old House Listen and find one thing in each room حل An Old House Listen and find one thing in each room

I Can ... act out the talks about showing around the house with a partner .

لم يتم إضافة أي تعليقات حتى الآن.

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