EXPANSION Units - Mega goal 2 - ثاني ثانوي


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كتاب النشاط
Write Your Expository Essay
عين 2025
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EXPANSION Units 5-8 1 Language Review A. Write a response to each question. Include the word in parentheses and either too or enough. Why are you getting rid of this rug? (worn) It's too worn. 1. Why can't we make a cake before the guests arrive? (time) 2. Why are you turning on more lights? (dark) 3. Why don't you like driving with him? (dangerously) 4. Why don't you like this landscape? (trees) 5. Why isn't he running in the marathon this weekend? (lazy) 6. Why don't you like small rooms? (claustrophobic) 7. Why do you find him difficult to understand? (quickly) 8. Why aren't you going to the game tonight? (tired) 9. Why don't you like this couch? (comfortable) B. Form sentences by combining items from Boxes A and B. Use a gerund as the subject of each sentence. You can use words from Box B more than once. Losing your keys is irritating. Box A fill out forms litter lose your keys read about scientific discoveries 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. 8. - 2 3 4 5 6 7 ∞ 1. sit in a sauna skydive touch your ear with your tongue witness a crime وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1286 MG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 128 Box B boring exciting fascinating frightening impossible irresponsible irritating relaxing 30/4/24 2:31 AM


Write a response to each question. Include the word in parentheses and either too or enough.

شرح Write a response to each question. Include the word in parentheses and either too or enough.

Form sentences by combining items from Boxes A and B. Use a gerund as the subject of each

شرح Form sentences by combining items from Boxes A and B. Use a gerund as the subject of each

+ C. Use the words to write superlative + present perfect questions. Then ask and answer the questions with a partner. interesting event / read about A: What is the most interesting event you've ever read about? B: The G20 2020 Summit hosted in Riyadh is the most interesting event I've ever read about. 1. beautiful place / visit 2. exciting city / visit 3. tall building / see 4. good book / read 5. spicy food / eat 6. hard thing/do 7. famous person / meet 8. scary film/watch 9. far place/travel 10. thoughtful present / receive G20 SAUDI ARABIA 2020 D. Write a story about the picture. Use grammar points from Units 5-8. ☐ multiple adjectives ☐ too and enough ☐ gerunds as subjects ☐ subjunctive adverbs of manner ☐ gerunds after verbs. infinitive after verbs ☐ superlative and present perfect سليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 129 129 30/4/24 2:31 AM


Use the words to write superlative + present perfect questions. Then ask and answer the questions with partner. 1. beautiful place/visit

شرح Use the words to write superlative + present perfect questions. Then ask and answer the questions with partner. 1. beautiful place/visit حل Use the words to write superlative + present perfect questions. Then ask and answer the questions with partner. 1. beautiful place/visit

Write a story about the picture. Use grammar points from Units 1, 2. and 3. multiple adjectives

حل Write a story about the picture. Use grammar points from Units 1, 2. and 3. multiple adjectives

EXPANSION Units 5-8 E. Write sentences using two or three adjectives to describe the following things. your school It has expensive new computer labs. 1. your room 2. this book 3. your favorite piece of clothing 4. a place to visit 5. your favorite food 6. the last car you rode in O F. Use the verb or phrase in parentheses to rewrite each sentence a different way using the subjunctive. You should put on sunscreen before lying out in the sun. (recommend) I recommend that you put on sunscreen before lying out in the sun. 1. You must take this medication every day to get rid of the infection. (it is essential) 2. Supporters of organic farming say farmers should not use pesticides on their crops. (suggest) 3. My mother tells people to take off their shoes before they enter our house. (insist) 4. When I have a dinner party, I tell each guest to bring an appetizer or a dessert. (ask) 5. If you want to conserve water, you should not leave the water running when you brush your teeth. (it is important) 6. The viewers wanted the TV station to broadcast the program again. (request) وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024 1306 MG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 130 30/4/24 2:31 AM


Write sentences using two or three adjectives to describe the following things.

Use the verb or phrase in parentheses to rewrite each sentence a different way using the subjunctive.

+ G. Write a sentence that each person might say to the other using I'd like you + infinitive or I want you + infinitive. a customer to a tailor I'd like you to shorten these pants about an inch. 1. a dentist to a patient 2. a therapist to a client 3. a lawyer to a witness 4. a manager to a salesperson 5. a father to a teenage son 6. a photographer to a person being photographed H. Circle the correct verb forms. Sometimes both the gerund and the infinitive forms are correct. 1. We enjoy (watching to watch) silly game shows. 2. Did you agree (helping to help) her plan the dinner? 3. After working for the company for 8 years, he's finally decided (getting / to get) a different job. 4. The gardener is going to quit (using / to use) pesticides on his vegetables. 5. I'm only planning (staying / to stay) here for an hour or two. 6. I avoid (buying / to buy) products that have a lot of packaging. 7. When did you start ( noticing / to notice) the symptoms? 8. My supermarket just stopped (using / to use) plastic bags. 9. After winning the grand prize in racing, he needed (learning / to learn) to relax and take it easy. 10. I keep (having / to have ) a dream about taking an exam that I'm not prepared for! I. Look at the pictures. Write short paragraphs about Dave and Jasim. Use the verbs from the box + a gerund or infinitive. avoid decide enjoy keep intend learn plan prefer وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 131 Dave + Jasim 131 30/4/24 2:31 AM


G. Write a sentence that each person might say to the other using I’d like you + infinitive or I want you + infinitive.

Circle the correct verb forms. Sometimes both the gerund and the infinitive forms are correct.

Look at the pictures. Write short paragraphs about Dave and Jasim. Use the verbs from the box + a gerund or infinitive.

O EXPANSION Units 5-8 2 Reading Before Reading 1. Has anyone ever played a trick on you? If so, explain what happened. 2. Have you ever played a trick on someone else? If so, explain what you did. Can You Believe They Believed It? In many countries around the world, the first day of April is a day for playing tricks and pulling pranks. Many of the most amusing and memorable tricks that have been played on this day have been perpetrated by the media. Perhaps one of the funniest pranks to have ever been pulled off happened on April 1, 1957. On this day, a well-respected British news show called Panorama aired a segment focusing on a supposed spaghetti harvest in southern Switzerland! The anchorman explained that the mild winter had resulted in a huge spaghetti crop. As the anchorman gave details about the "spaghetti crop," video footage was shown of Swiss people pulling fresh, long strands of spaghetti off of “spaghetti trees" and putting them in baskets. Convincing viewers wasn't very difficult. Apparently, this segment was realistic enough to fool a huge number of people. Hundreds of fascinated viewers called into the television station wanting to find out how they could grow their own spaghetti tree. They were told, "Place a sprig of spaghetti in a tin of tomato sauce and hope for the best." As one studio worker remembers, “The more people called, the harder we laughed." Another nationally broadcast prank occurred in Sweden in 1962. At the time the country had only one television channel, and it broadcast in black and white. The station had their technical expert announce to the viewers that a new technology had been created. Astonished viewers listened as he explained that this technology would make it possible to see color images on their black and white television sets. Accomplishing this was easy, he assured the audience. He explained that all that viewers needed to do to convert their black and white televisions to color was to pull a nylon stocking over the screen. He also advised moving one's head very carefully back and forth to see the best picture. Many viewers got excited, and thousands tried it. Today many Swedes still recall family members running around the house trying to find nylon stockings to place over their television set. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024 1326 MG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 132 30/4/24 2:31 AM


Can You Believe They Believed It?

شرح Can You Believe They Believed It? حل Can You Believe They Believed It?

+ Domine:SAWAM:FAE:REQIUAM:NOSTYAMEVUTORIAM:PRIMAM Another remarkable prank was pulled by an Australian news program in 1975. On the program that evening it was announced that Australia would be converting to "metric time." It was explained that under metric time, there would be 100 seconds in a minute, 100 minutes in an hour, and 20 hours in a day. It was also explained that seconds would become millidays, minutes would become centidays, and hours would become decidays. The report had many convincing details, including an interview with South Australia's deputy premier and a shot of Adelaide's town hall clock, with its "new" 10-hour metric clock face. Many people fell for the trick. Some even got angry about it. One viewer was particularly irritated because, as he explained, he had just bought a new clock and thought that it was now useless. Sometimes it seems the sillier the hoax, the more likely people are to fall for it! So the next time you hear something that sounds too silly to be true, look at your calendar and make sure that it isn't April first! After Reading A. Match the words to their synonyms. 1. prank 7. 2345 N 2. 3. supposed memorable 4. convert 5. 6. hoax footage perpetrate a. trick b. practical joke c. be responsible for d. apparent e. change f. significant g. TV or film coverage B. Answer the questions. 1. What do all of the tricks mentioned in the reading have in common? 2. What footage was shown on Panorama to support the spaghetti harvest trick? 3. What did the “technical expert” of Sweden's television station instruct viewers to do on April 1, 1962? 4. What trick did an Australian news program play in 1975? 5. What convincing details did the Australian news program use to support their claim? Discussion 1. Is it OK to play tricks on people? Explain. 2. What kind of tricks do you think are all right to play? 3. What kind of tricks do you think should not be played? وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 133 133 30/4/24 2:31 AM


Another remarkable prank was pulled by an Australian news program in 1975.

شرح Another remarkable prank was pulled by an Australian news program in 1975.

Match the words to their synonyms 1 prank

شرح Match the words to their synonyms 1 prank حل Match the words to their synonyms 1 prank

Is it OK to play tricks on people? Explain

شرح Is it OK to play tricks on people? Explain حل Is it OK to play tricks on people? Explain

EXPANSION Units 5-8 3 Language Plus Aa A. Complete each sentence with an idiom shown. Be sure to put each idiom in the correct tense. see red 0300 टीउ + green with envy U flying colors catch (someone) red-handed with his hand still in the businessman's jacket pocket. 1. The thief was green thumb roll out the red carpet 2. Look at my garden. No matter how hard I try, nothing grows. I guess I don't have a 3. When I found out that my sister had taken my cell phone without my permission and then lost it, | 4. When our grandparents came to visit, we took them to all the best restaurants in town. We really 5. I passed the test in every subject with 6. He has my dream job. I was 4 Writing when he first told me about it. Tools for Writing: Common Errors with Prepositions Verbs that are followed by a certain preposition in English may be followed by a different preposition or no preposition at all in your language. In order to make sure your writing is grammatically correct, it is important to learn which verbs are used with which prepositions in English. Study the following verbs + prepositions. look for Can you help me look for my keys? NOT: Can you help me look my keys? ask for We need to ask for some help. NOT: We need to ask help. depend on. We may not go. It depends on the weather. .YOT: It depends of the weatherرة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024 -1346 smile at My mother was so proud. She kept smiling at me. NOT: She kept smiling of me. remind of She reminds me of my grandmother. NOT: She reminds me my grandmother. congratulate on She congratulated him on the new job. Not: She congratulated him by his new job. MG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 134 30/4/24 2:31 AM


Complete each sentence with an idiom shown. Be sure to put each idiom in the correct tense.

شرح Complete each sentence with an idiom shown. Be sure to put each idiom in the correct tense.

Tools for Writing: Common Errors with Prepositions

شرح Tools for Writing: Common Errors with Prepositions

+ Writing Prompt Write an expository essay about what different colors, symbols, customs, or gestures mean in your culture. Say what you think this shows about your culture. Include grammar points from Units 5-8. Write Your Expository Essay In an expository essay, the writer explains, describes, or gives information about a subject. 1. Decide whether you will write about colors, symbols, customs, or gestures in your culture. What do you think these show about your culture? This will be your topic sentence. 2. Use a chart to organize your ideas. Write your topic sentence in the center circle. Then write ideas which support this topic sentence in the surrounding circles. 3. Write a draft of your expository essay. 4. Have a partner read and comment on your draft. Use your partner's comments and suggestions to revise your essay. Developing Your Writing: Body Paragraphs that Support the Topic Sentence The paragraphs of an essay between the introduction and conclusion are called the body of the essay. Each body paragraph must have one main idea, as well as examples, definitions, facts, or statistics which support that main idea. The main idea of each body paragraph must relate to and support the topic sentence in the introduction. As you write the body of your essay, ask yourself: • Does each paragraph have one main idea? Is this main idea supported by examples, definitions, facts, and/or statistics? • Does each paragraph support the topic sentence in the introduction? Korean culture is conservative. Greetings: bowing, no smiling, no prolonged contact eye Customs and Gestures in Korean Culture To understand the perspective of Korean people, it is important to understand their customs and gestures. I believe that Korean customs and gestures show that the Korean culture is quite traditional and conservative. One aspect of Korean culture that is traditional and conservative is greeting people. Korean people usually bow when they meet one another. When Koreans are introduced to someone for the first time, they generally do not smile. Smiling is reserved for informal occasions. Koreans also consider staring impolite. We prefer to make only brief eye contact. When meeting Korean person, I suggest you avoid looking into his/her eyes for more than a moment or two... a وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 135 135 30/4/24 2:31 AM


Writing Prompt

شرح Writing Prompt

Write Your Expository Essay

شرح Write Your Expository Essay

EXPANSION Units 5-8 5 Language Plus Aa Hello A B + F Match these idioms about sports to the pictures. Then use each idiom in a sentence of your own. 1. N 2. 3. 4. 5. ம் 6. We had to race against time to complete the project on time. Someone needs to get the ball rolling; we can't keep on talking about things and not take action. You'd better ask Andy about how to get some stationery, he knows the ropes. You need to keep your eye on the ball if you want things to run smoothly. Having worked through the night we found out that the subject had changed so we had to start from scratch and make a new poster. In her attempt to do the best she could, she went overboard and invited far too many guests to the wedding. 6 Writing Tools for Writing: Avoiding Wordy Sentences Wordy sentences can make it difficult for readers to understand your meaning. Try to write clear and direct sentences so that your ideas are easy to follow. Avoid unnecessary repetition of words or ideas. Wordy: All the clothes in her wardrobe are quirky and unusual. Revised: Her wardrobe is quirky. Delete unnecessary words and replace wordy phrases with more concise words. Wordy: In spite of the fact that they don't have much in common, they still seem to get along. Revised: Although they do not have much in common, they still get along. Wordy Phrase The reason...is that An example is Replace With Because For example Wordy Phrase Replace With At the present time As a matter of fact Now In fact In order to To I think I believe (nothing) In the event that If In my opinion (nothing) In spite of Due to the fact that لتعليم Although Because In conclusion (nothing) The reason why (nothing) Ministry of Education 2024 -1366 MG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 136 30/4/24 2:31 AM E


Match these idioms about sports to the pictures.

Tools for Writing: Avoiding Wordy Sentences

+ Writing Prompt Write about a hoax. Explain the effect the hoax had. Include grammar points from Units 5-8. Write Your Essay 1. Decide on the hoax you will write about. 2. Use a cause-and-effect chart to organize your ideas. Remember that a cause is something that makes something else happen. An effect is something that results from an action. 3. Write a draft of your essay. 4. Have a partner read and comment on your draft. Use your partner's comments to revise your essay. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 Developing Your Writing: Transition Words Transition words help organize your writing. They help. tie ideas and sentences together to create smoother transitions, so that readers can follow the events and ideas more easily. Time Transition Words afterward as soon as before finally suddenly during next then Cause and Effect Transition Words because of due to since as a result if ... then therefore Comparison Transition Words another way as in the same way likewise one way similarly Contrast Transition Words although however MG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 137 nevertheless otherwise still yet Cause Effect a The Man Who Thought He Had Inherited 12 Million Dollars Martin received an email claiming that he had inherited a huge sum of money from a bank in an African country. The letter said that wealthy relative had died and had left him all the money. The letter asked him to send all his details and bank account number to the address enclosed and he would be told how he could get the money. Martin's dream was to be rich and be able to buy a lot of expensive things. So he... 137 30/4/24 2:31 AM


Writing Prompt Write about a hoax Explain the effect the hoax had. Include grammar points from Units 1, 2 and 3

شرح Writing Prompt Write about a hoax Explain the effect the hoax had. Include grammar points from Units 1, 2 and 3 حل Writing Prompt Write about a hoax Explain the effect the hoax had. Include grammar points from Units 1, 2 and 3

Write Your Essay 1. Decide on the hoax you will write about

شرح Write Your Essay 1. Decide on the hoax you will write about حل Write Your Essay 1. Decide on the hoax you will write about
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