Project - Mega goal 3 - ثالث ثانوي

كتاب النشاط
كتاب النشاط
Work in pairs/groups. Research and collect information about real survival stories
جاسم العقيلي
(10) 4.4 التقييم التعليقات المشاركة

8 Against the Odds رابط الدرس الرقمي 12 Project 1. Work in pairs/groups. Research and collect information about real survival stories. 2. Use a real story or create your own. Think about: ⚫ the setting (where the story took place) • • the people/person involved • the circumstances ⚫ the survivor's attitude • وزارة التعليم Ministry of 22ation 2024-1446 • the survivor's actions and frame of mind • how the survivor managed to save himself or was rescued 3. Make notes in the chart and use them to organize and finalize your story. 4. Make a comic strip or a storyboard with your story. 5. Share the work among members of your group. If you make a comic strip decide on: • what will go in each frame . whether you will use captions to narrate the story • whether you will use speech bubbles and thought bubbles to show what each person is thinking or saying • what you will write in the captions what you will write in the bubbles 6. Display your comic strip in class and act it out. The people/person involved The setting/location The circumstances The problem The survivor's attitude/feelings The survivor's actions The final outcome MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 122 A Survival Story 30/4/24 3:05 AM


Work in pairs/groups. Research and collect information about real survival stories

شرح Work in pairs/groups. Research and collect information about real survival stories حل Work in pairs/groups. Research and collect information about real survival stories

13 Self Reflection Things that I liked about Unit 8: O Things that I didn't like very much: Things that I found easy in Unit 8: Things that I found difficult in Unit 8: Unit 8 Checklist discuss remarkable events and coincidences express surprise use such...that/so...that reduce adverb clauses use the past progressive use was/were going to; was/were about to use past perfect forms and past simple وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 I can do this very well. I can do this quite well. I need to study/ practice more. My five favorite new words from Unit 8: If you're still not sure about something from Unit 8: • read through the unit again • • listen to the audio material study the grammar and functions from the unit again ask your teacher for help MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 123 123 30/4/24 3:05 AM


Self reflection unit 2

شرح Self reflection unit 2
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