conversation - Super goal 1 - أول متوسط

كتاب النشاط
كتاب النشاط
Ask your classmate what jops their father or brother do
(4) 5 التقييم 31 التعليقات المشاركة

So, what do you do, Adel?

شرح So, what do you do, Adel?

What do Adel and Steve do?

شرح What do Adel and Steve do? حل What do Adel and Steve do?

Ask your classmate what jops their father or brother do

شرح Ask your classmate what jops their father or brother do حل Ask your classmate what jops their father or brother do

What do you want to be in the futurer Discuss in a group say why

شرح What do you want to be in the futurer Discuss in a group say why حل What do you want to be in the futurer Discuss in a group say why
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